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Panoramic view of Port Adelaide shipping taken from Birkenhead
Panoramic view of Port Adelaide shipping taken from Birkenhead.

The protective structure erected over Frenchman's Rock', Hog Bay, Kangaroo Island
The protective structure erected over 'Frenchman's Rock' in 1906 to preserve the original stone carved by Nicholas Baudin's crew during their visit to Hog Bay, Kangaroo Island, in 1803.

The railway line to Pinnaroo passing by a camp and a small shed
The railway line to Pinnaroo passing by a camp and a small shed bearing the name 'Cotton' which was the first name for Wilkawatt.

The railway station at Pinnaroo in 1906
The railway station at Pinnaroo in 1906.

Passengers waiting at Lameroo railway station
Passengers waiting at Lameroo railway station.

A bore at Lameroo
A bore at Lameroo which produced a 2500 fall of water per hour.

Part of the Pinnaroo to Lameroo railway line
Part of the Pinnaroo to Lameroo railway line.

Water tanks by the railway line at the camp of Cotton
Water tanks by the railway line at the camp of Cotton, later to become the town of Wilkawatt.

Inscription on 'Frenchman's Rock'
Close view of the inscription on 'Frenchman's Rock' carved by Nicholas Baudin's crew during their visit to Hog Bay, Kangaroo Island in 1803.

A wheat ship anchored at Port Lincoln
A wheat ship anchored at Port Lincoln.

The Flinders cairn on Kangaroo Head
The Flinders cairn on Kangaroo Head, near Hog Bay, Kangaroo Island, erected by school children in 1906 on the supposed site of Flinders first landing place on Kangaroo Island.

Destruction caused by fire at Jenkin's slip, Port Adelaide
Destruction caused by fire at Jenkin's slip, Port Adelaide in November 1906.

The lighthouse at Point Malcolm between Lakes Alexandrina and Albert
The lighthouse at Point Malcolm between Lakes Alexandrina and Albert.

Police Commissioner W.H. Raymond and members of the South Australian Mounted Police riding the traditional greys
Police Commissioner W.H. Raymond and members of the South Australian Mounted Police riding the traditional 'greys' on their barracks square.

Crew of the 'Montebello'
Members of the crew who survived the destruction by bad weather of their ship 'Montebello', a steel barque sailing from Hobart to Port Pirie to load wheat when it was forced ashore on the south coast of Kangaroo Island. All of the crew reached safety and are seen aboard the 'Governor Musgrave' on their return to South Australia.

The wreck of the Montebello' off the south coast of Kangaroo Island
The wreck of the 'Montebello' off the south coast of Kangaroo Island, destroyed by bad weather 18 November 1906.

Survivors of the crew from the 'Montebello'
Survivors of the crew from the 'Montebello' wrecked by bad weather off the soath coast of Kangaroo Island being transported by lifeboat to the S.S.'Governor Musgrave', November 1906.

Survivors of the 'Montebello'
Survivors of the shipwrecked 'Montebello'being taken from the south side of Kangaroo Island by the 'Governor Musgrave's' life-boat, November 1906.

Distant view across the Murray River of early settlement at Renmark
Distant view across the Murray River of early settlement at Renmark.

Part of the Murray River near Mildura, Victoria
Part of the Murray River near Mildura, Victoria.

Wentworth bridge over the Murray River
Wentworth bridge over the Murray River.

Floods surround a large heap of wood by the Murray River
Floods surround a large heap of wood by the Murray River.

Renmark in 1906
Part of the northern area of Renmark photographed in 1906.

Henry Van der Weyde
Henry Van der Weyde was born in the Netherlands 30 August 1838. His family emigrated to New York in 1850 and he trained as an artist. After service on the side of the Union during the American Civil War and marrying Mona Wetherbee in 1867 he emigrated to England in 1870. He established himself as a photographer and was a member of the Photographic Society from 1889. He died in England on 8 February 1924.

Four young people sitting on the branches of a gum tree
Four young people sitting on the branches of a gum tree.

Lighthouse and cottages at Port McDonnell
Lighthouse and cottages at Port McDonnell.

Mr. J.I. Robinson
Mr. J.I. Robinson.

General view of Beachport jetty and nearby buildings
General view of Beachport jetty and nearby buildings.

Effie Marie Bancroft
Effie Marie Bancroft nee Wilton. Born in Yorkshire, England in 1840 and was an actor from childhood. In 1867 she married Squire Bancroft, also an actor. After establishing their own theatre company they raised the standard of theatrical production in the United Kingdom. Anne retired from the stage in 1886.

A view from the river bank of Millicent Bridge
A view from the river bank of Millicent Bridge.