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Roof-tops of central Adelaide
Roof-top view of the city of Adelaide with the Mount Lofty Ranges in the background, looking in a south easterly direction; Wakefield Street is in the foreground.

Flinders Street, Adelaide, looking north east
Overhead view of Flinders Street, Adelaide, looking north east towards the Mount Lofty Ranges.

Eucalyptus trees near Adelaide
A stand of eucalyptus trees and native vegetation near Adelaide, South Australia.

Eucalyptus trees near Adelaide
A stand of eucalyptus trees and cypress pines in a park-like setting near Adelaide, South Australia.

Duck shooting by a river
Duck shooting in South Australian countryside beside a river, possibly the Onkaparinga.

Rooftops of Adelaide, looking south
Rooftops of Adelaide looking south; the church on the lower right side is St.Xavier's Cathedral, with St.Andrew's Presbyterian Church on the lower left, the tower in the right foreground is the Unitarian Church.

A group of Australian Aboriginal men
A group of six Aboriginal men sitting with their two sleeping dogs and weapons in the Musgrave Ranges, northern South Australia.

Clare, South Australia
The township of Clare in the mid north of South Australia; a view from Billygoat Hill.

Farmhouse in South Australia
A farmhouse surrounded with vineyards in South Australia.

A suburban house
A residential home in an Adelaide suburb, South Australia.

Roof-tops of Adelaide
The roof-tops of Adelaide, looking south west from Victoria Square south; the structure in the right foreground is the Torrens building, the church building, lower left, is the unfinished St. Xavier's Cathedral in Wakefield Street.

Unveiling the Charles Sturt statue in Adelaide
Spectators listening to a speech by Crawford Vaughan, Premier of South Australia at the unveiling ceremony for the Captain Charles Sturt statue in Victoria Square, Adelaide, South Australia.

Unveiling the Charles Sturt statue in Adelaide
Spectators watching Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia, unveiling the Captain Charles Sturt statue in Victoria Square, Adelaide on 21st December 1916.

Army recruiting at Owen, South Australia
A military band playing at a recruitment rally in the Lower North township of Owen in South Australia.

Gardens by the Torrens River, Adelaide
Gardens cultivated on the banks of the Torrens River, Adelaide, South Australia.

Houses in the Adelaide suburbs
Semi-detached houses in the suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia.

A 'White Dorothy' rose
A 'White Dorothy' rose blooming in a garden in South Australia.

River steamer on the Murray River
The government river steamer 'Alexandrina' sailing on the Murray River, South Australia.

Roof-tops of Adelaide
Roof-top view of Adelaide's buildings including Stow Memorial Church, bottom left, and the Albert Tower of the Town Hall.

South Australian Farmers' Union storage sheds
South Australian Farmers' Union storage sheds erected by a railway line.

Roof-tops of Adelaide
The roof-tops of Adelaide, looking south west from Victoria Square south; the structure in the right foreground is the Torrens building, the church building, lower left, is the unfinished St. Xavier's Cathedral in Wakefield Street.

The Murray River in flood
The Murray River in flood, possibly at Swan Reach, showing floodwaters inundating houses and sheds in the township.

Shipping at Port Adelaide
Ships berthed at the Ocean Steamer wharf, Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Plane trees in Adelaide
An avenue of plane trees along Plane Tree Drive, adjoining Botanic Park, Adelaide; the Botanic Gardens are on the left and Botanic Park is on the right.

Roof-tops of Adelaide
Roof-top view of Adelaide's buildings including Stow Memorial Church, bottom left, and the Albert Tower of the Town Hall.

The lead smelting plant at Port Pirie
Chimneys belching smoke at the Broken Hill Associated Smelters plant at Port Pirie, South Australia.

Kensington Park, near Adelaide
A tram travelling along The Parade at Kensington Park, near Adelaide, South Australia.

The Murray River in flood
Part of the Murray River in South Australia during a high tide or flood.

Parklands in Adelaide
A horse and cart travelling along a road through the Adelaide parklands, South Australia.

Roof-tops of central Adelaide
Roof-top view of the city of Adelaide with the Mount Lofty Ranges in the background, looking in a south easterly direction; Wakefield Street is in the foreground.