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A cottage in the country
A cottage set among trees in rural South Australia.

An interstate football match
An interstate football match held at Adelaide Oval: South Australia versus Victoria.

North Adelaide vs Port Adelaide football match
Players leaping for a mark at a football match between North Adelaide vs Port Adelaide in front of a large crowd at Adelaide Oval. Number 4 for North is L. Davies.

Boys jumping hurdles
Boys jumping hurdles in a college athletics competition.

Children's display at Adelaide Oval
Crowds watching a display by school children at Adelaide Oval, South Australia; groups of children wearing coloured dress have created a design of the Union Jack on the centre of the oval.

A steam-driven crane on rails
A steam-driven crane on rails at Poole and Steele's shipyard, Osborne. [Information provided by Phil Rickard]. Another researcher states that the crane was manufactured by John H. Wilson Co., Liverpool, probably prior to 1892.

Men cutting limestone
Men cutting Mount Gambier limestone with handsaws.

Crawford Vaughan at Adelaide Railway Station
A group of men, including the politician Crawford Vaughan, Premier of South Australia standing centre left, at Adelaide Railway Station.

The S.S.'Robbie Burns' at Cape Thevenard
The S.S.'Robbie Burns' at Cape Thevenard, South Australia.

Coastline at Second Valley
The coastline at Second Valley, South Australia; a stone causeway supporting a railway line is in the foreground.

Men picnicking at Second Valley
Men picnicking beneath cliffs at Second Valley next to a railway line.

Pruning grape vines
Men pruning grape vines in South Australia.

Football players on the field
Football players after the ball during a game in South Australia.

Office workers in Adelaide
Office workers at the Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company headquarters, Grenfell Street, Adelaide, South Australia.

Sir Henry Galway and Captain Harry Butler
The Governor, Sir Henry Galway, (left) and Harry Butler standing next to Butler's Avro 504K aircraft before a flight from Enfield airfield, South Australia, 3 February 1920.

Sir Henry Galway after a flight in Harry Butler's biplane
The Governor, Sir Henry Galway, is assisted out of Harry Butler's Avro 504K aircraft following a flight over Adelaide from Enfield airfield, South Australia, 3 February 1920.

Avro 504 K flown by Captain Harry Butler taking off
Captain Harry Butler taking off from Enfield airfield, South Australia, in his Avro 504K aircraft with Governor of South Australia, Sir Henry Galway, as a passenger, 3 February 1920.

Sir Henry Galway sitting in Harry Butler's Avro 504K
Governor of South Australia, Sir Henry Galway, seated in the cockpit of Captain Harry Butler's Avro 504K biplane at Enfield, South Australia. Captain Butler is seated behind the Governor, partly obscured by the wing strut of the aircraft, 3 February 1920.

Lady Hackett waiting for an aeroplane ride
Lady Deborah Hackett, wearing an aviator's flying helmet waiting for an aeroplane ride in Captain Butler's bi-plane.

Children standing around an aeroplane
A group of children looking at a Sopwith Dove aeroplane, owned by Aerial Transport Company of South Australia Ltd.

A black overseas visitor at Outer Harbor
Close view of a black overseas visitor at Outer Harbor, South Australia; he is a big man wearing a bow tie with his suit, striped shirt and cap, name not known.

A black overseas visitor at Outer Harbor
A black overseas male visitor standing with a white woman on the wharf at Outer Harbor, South Australia; names not known.

A military parade in Hindley Street, Adelaide
A parade of returning soldiers marching along Hindley Street, Adelaide which is decorated with bunting; they are led by a military band and two officers on horseback along the road which is lined with crowds of spectators.

Colonel Weir and a team of supporters
Colonel Stanley Price Weir seated centre, second row, in a group of men and women outside the South Australian Museum building, Adelaide.

A South Australian lacrosse team
Members of a South Australian lacrosse team; names not known.

Members of a South Australian bowling club
Members of a South Australian bowling club photographed in front of their clubhouse.

Keswick and Richmond Repatriation Gala Day
Four decorated motor cars at the Keswick and Richmond Repatriation Gala Day held at Richmond on 9 December 1916. The nearest two cars are Fords, Model 'T'. The baker's van registration number 5713 is 1914, its owner was Frederic William Ingerson of Keswick. The vehicle with registration number 2276 was registered to Henry Joseph Penno of Bay Road, Keswick.

Caledonian Society band members
Bandsmen and dancers of the South Australian Caledonian Society in highland dress at Richmond.

Officials at a country show
Officials at a South Australian country show seated in and around an open-topped 1913 Ford model 'T' motor car. It has an extra (central), non-original, acetylene powered headlight. [details provided by a researcher]. The vehicle was registered to T.F. Ingerson of New Keswick. Information courtesy of the Veteran Car Club of S.A.

South Australian charity collectors
A group of South Australian women and girl charity collectors standing in front of a sweet stall; names not known.