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The S.S.'Ceramic' at Outer Harbor
The S.S.'Ceramic' leaving Outer Harbor, South Australia.

The S.S.'Governor Musgrave' at Cape Borda
The South Australian Customs Department vessel S.S. 'Governor Musgrave' at Harvey's Return, Cape Borda, Kangaroo Island, South Australia.

The S.S.'Governor Musgrave' beached at Broome, W.A
The South Australian Customs Department vessel S.S.'Governor Musgrave' beached ashore on the sand at Broome, Western Australia.

Jetty at Second Valley
Distant view of a jetty with mountainous cliffs surrounding a coastal bay in South Australia. Initially thought to be at Hog Bay, Penneshaw, on Kangaroo Island, however now believed to be at Second Valley.

Cave at Cape du Couedic, Kangaroo Island
A natural arch cave formation at Cape du Couedic, Kangaroo Island, South Australia.

A coastal scene on Kangaroo Island
A coastal scene on Kangaroo Island, South Australia.

Unloading from the S.S.'Governor Musgrave'
Unloading a transportable shed from the S.S.'Governor Musgrave' at a Port Adelaide wharf.

Holiday-makers on the beach
Crowds of holiday-makers on a beach in South Australia, possibly Henley Beach.

The bandstand at Henley Beach
Crowds listening to a band playing in the rotunda on the foreshore at Henley Beach, South Australia.

Members of the South Australian Hunt Club
Members of the South Australian Hunt Club out with the hounds.

Champion woman swimmer
A prize winning woman swimmer; name not known.

A South Australian weight-lifter
A weight-lifter performing a successful lift.

A young woman wearing a bathing costume
A young woman wearing a bathing costume and posing for the camera.

Two sailing ships at sea
Two sailing ships at sea off the South Australian coast.

Olga Guiman
A studio view of a woman identified as Olga Guiman of Adelaide, South Australia.

A head and shoulder view of a woman
A head and shoulders studio view of a woman wearing furs and a hat; name not known.

A studio view of a Frenchwoman
A posed studio view of a Frenchwoman.

A cricketer standing on a cricket pitch
A cricketer standing beside the stumps on a cricket pitch. According to a researcher, he is South Australian cricketer Dr Donald Macdonald Steele. The photo appears in The Register of 17 January 1921.

Floods at Cowell
Floods at Cowell, South Australia showing floodwaters adjoining a wheat storage area.

The Wallaroo smelters
Smelting plant at Wallaroo, South Australia.

A man standing beside a banana tree
A man standing beside a banana tree growing in the Northern Territory.

British troops and prisoners in Palestine
British troops guarding a group of prisoners of war standing in a street in Palestine.

Visitors standing on a warship
A group of visitors standing on the bow of a warship at Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Grain ships at Ardrossan jetty
Distant view of a fleet of grain ships at Ardrossan jetty, South Australia.

Peace procession at Broken Hill
Women of the Red Cross Society marching in a peace parade through the streets of Broken Hill, New South Wales.

A flower display
An exhibit of a spray of flowers.

A branch of fruit
A branch of fruit; possibly apricots.

An aged woman in foreign dress
An aged woman in foreign dress.

A garden flower
The leaves and flowers of a plant.

A young woman wearing swimming costume
A young woman wearing swimming costume standing on a beach.