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The jetty at Wallaroo, South Australia
The jetty at Wallaroo, South Australia with the Harbors Board pier and ships at anchor in the background.

Floods on Henley Beach Road
Horse-drawn vehicles travelling through floodwaters on Henley Beach Road, near Adelaide, South Australia.

Gordon Spry
Gordon Spry, General Secretary of the Boy Scouts Association of South Australia.

Charles Willcox
A head and shoulders view of the merchant Charles Willcox, a former Mayor of Adelaide.

A young South Australian soldier
A head and shoulder portrait of a young South Australian soldier; name not known.

Colonel Hurcombe
A head and shoulders view of a South Australian soldier. Caption reads: 'Colonel Hurcombe'.

General Pau at Government House, Adelaide, South Australia
General Pau sitting with Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia, Lady Galway and staff at Government House, Adelaide, South Australia.

A South Australian wedding group
A bride and groom with their attendants and family members photographed after their wedding outside a house; names not known.

South Australian soldiers on horseback
Soldiers on horseback in front of the South Australian Hotel; probably part of the guard of honour at the opening of parliament, Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide.

Steamship 'Vigilant' transporting soldiers
The steamship 'Vigilant' carrying a contingent of returning troops from overseas to the South Australian quarantine station, possibly at Torrens Island.

Governor-General of Australia inspecting troops
Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson, Governor-General of Australia inspecting troops at Mitcham army camp; Lieutenant Colonel Walter Dollman, Commandant of Mitcham Camp, is on his right. Sir Henry GAlway is behind them.

River boat 'Murrundi' on the Murray River
Passengers described as being members of a Government party travelling along the Murray River on the river boat 'Murrundi' which has a barge lashed alongside.

Intelligence and Tourist Bureau Office, Adelaide
The entrance and facade of the Intelligence and Tourist Bureau Office, King William Street.

South Australian Farmers' Co-operative Union Building, Adelaide
The front facade of the South Australian Farmers' Co-operative Union Building on the northern side of Franklin Street, Adelaide, South Australia; the street on the right is Bentham Street.

Deep-sea diving float
Deep-sea diving float taking part in a procession in Adelaide; four men stand in a boat transported by a horse drawn vehicle, one is holding a long air hose attached to a man wearing deep sea diving costume who is walking alongside.

Spectators watching a swimming event from a jetty
A large crowd of spectators at the end of a jetty gathered to watch a swimming event.

Women rowers on the Torrens River, South Australia
Four young women with a male cox in the rowing skiff 'Barcarolle,' on the Torrens River east of the City Bridge, off King William Road, Adelaide; a large crowd stand on the banks of the river watching the event, possibly a rowing carnival.

Fishermen on Largs jetty, South Australia
A group of anglers fishing near the Customs Office on Largs jetty, South Australia; in the foreground a young boy inspects his catch in front of amused spectators.

Swimmers at the Torrens Weir, Adelaide
Swimmers standing on the steps of the Weir on the Torrens River, Adelaide, waiting for a swimming competition event.

Spectators at a boat race
Men and two boys attending a boat race at Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Men at Outer Harbor, South Australia
A back view of men farewelling friends from a wharf at Outer Harbor, South Australia.

A proud owner on his motorcycle
A proud owner riding his Indian motorcycle; name not known.

Friendly Society office bearers
A studio view of six officers of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows Friendly Society dressed in their regalia; names not known.

Women charity collectors in Adelaide
Three women charity collectors standing on King William Street, Adelaide, South Australia.

A suburban home in South Australia
A South Australian suburban home set in a large garden containing shrubs and trees.

A street seller in Adelaide, South Australia
A woman street seller in Adelaide, South Australia; she holds a wicker-work basket containing bunches of grapes and is engaged in conversation with potential customers.

Lady Galway at Benacre, Glen Osmond, South Australia
Lady Galway and an official group at the entrance to 'Benacre', a large house at Glen Osmond, South Australia; several people stand on the gravel driveway where a motor car awaits the vice-regal party.

Holiday-makers at Henley Beach, South Australia
Holiday-makers on and near the jetty at Henley Beach, South Australia; two mounted police appear in the middle foreground.

Military nurse giving instruction to a soldier
A military nurse giving an instruction to a soldier at Keswick, South Australia. The scene appears to be taken at the same time as B 26285/50.

Railway line at Sleep's Hill, South Australia
The new 25 metre high railway line embankment across Viaduct Gully at Sleep's Hill. At the time it was the largest railway embankment in South Australia.