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A South Australian soldier
A head and shoulder view of a South Australian soldier; name not known.

A South Australian soldier
A South Australian soldier.

Men of the South Australian Permanent Garrison Artillery
Soldiers of the South Australian Permanent Garrison Artillery.

South Australian Boer War veterans
A group of South Australian Boer War veterans gathered together in the grounds of Government House to meet Lord Kitchener during his visit to Adelaide in 1910. According to a researcher, the officer lying down on the right hand side at the front, leaning on his right elbow, is William De Passe who served in the Zulu War and Boer War and was in the Light Horse Training Corp.

South Australian soldiers on exercise
Mounted soldiers and horse-drawn gun carriages on exercise at the southern end of Brighton Road where the New Brighton Camp was located. The photographer is looking north; the line of buildings on the left in the middle ground is a row of terraced cottages which still stand [2017] in Wheatland Street, Seacliff.

Field training of South Australian soldiers
A group of soldiers being taught surveying skills at a South Australian country location.

Soldiers at ablutions
Soldiers washing themselves from tin tubs at a South Australian army camp.

Soldiers erecting tents at an army camp
Soldiers working on erecting tents at a South Australian army camp.

A South Australian grand-stand
A South Australian grand-stand in the course of construction.

Junior cadets and officers
Four junior cadets, members of Norwood State School, and their officers; names not known.

Junior army cadets and officers
A large group of junior army cadets from Norwood State School and their officers.

Army officer Captain Kinnish
Army officer Captain W. Kinnish sitting at the entrance to a tent.

South Australian soldiers
South Australian soldiers standing at ease on a country road.

Lord Kitchener carrying out an inspection of officers
Lord Kitchener inspecting returned officers from the South African War ('Members of the South African Medal Corps') in the grounds of Government House, Adelaide during his visit to South Australia in January 1910. From left: General Hoad; Sir Day Bosanquet, Governor of South Australia, wearing a naval uniform; Colonel Frank M. Rowell (in light uniform and helmet); Lord Kitchener; Dr W. Ramsay Smith; Professor [formerly Major] Watson; Majors Blair and Stapleton and Constable Wells. [Other identified but unsure as to which person they are are: Lieutenant CoCilaloh, Lieutenant Peckman, Colonel Kirkpatrick and Colonel Pattinson - possibly behind the main group.] A photo taken during the same event was published in 'The Chronicle', Saturday 29 January 1910, page 29.

Major Heaney, his son and grandson
South Australian soldiers, Major Heaney with his son and grandson dressed as buglers in the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, South Australia.

King George V and Queen Mary at Bombay, India
King George V and Queen Mary seated under a regal canopy listening to an address by an official at Bombay, India with a crowd of dignitaries and military personnel in attendance; in the harbour beyond may be seen various ships, including the royal yacht.

A group of South Australian men with rifles
Two soldiers with a group of South Australian men with rifles, possibly new military recruits at an army camp; Captain Kinnish, officer in charge sits centre left second row.

The Australian Medical Corps
Australian Medical Corps, probably '19th Field Ambulance' soldiers with horse-drawn ambulances on exercise at a South Australian army camp.

War ravaged buildings in Hankow, China
The remains of shell-damaged buildings in Hankow, China, the result of an attack by Imperial troops.

Mr. Rymill, a South Australian marksman
Mr. Rymill, winner of the South Australian Metropolitan Gun Club trophy, taking aim with a shotgun.

Army Service Corps soldiers at an army camp
A group of soldiers, members of the Army Service Corps attending a South Australian army camp; ten of the men are standing on one of the Corps' horse-drawn transport vehicles.

A South Australian army camp
Horses, soldiers and tents at a South Australian army camp, thought to be south of Adelaide.

Poultry bred at Kapunda, South Australia
Six hens owned by Mrs. Uren of Kapunda.

Prize winning Draught Stallion, White Church Swell
Prize winning Draught Stallion, White Church Swell, at the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Livestock Show, Jubilee Oval, Adelaide, South Australia.

Prize winning bull
The prize winning bull at the Royal Horticultural and Agricultural Society Livestock Show, Jubilee Oval, Adelaide, South Australia.

Prize winning sheep
The prize winning sheep at the Royal Horticultural and Agricultural Livestock Show, Jubilee Oval, Adelaide, South Australia.

An officer of the 5th Bengal Cavalry
A seated officer of the 5th Bengal Cavalry, India.

Sylvia Young and a friend
A studio portrait of Sylvia Young (formerly French) and a friend at Port Augusta, South Australia.

A portrait of 'Gwendoline'
A head and shoulder studio view of a woman holding a parasol, signed with the name 'Gwendoline' and dated 23/3/14.

A letter from a French Count
A copy of a letter from the Comte Alphonse de Fleurieu who visited South Australia circa 1911-12; he was a descendant of the French explorer.