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Protecting birds from a cat
A man with a firm grip on the family cat making sure that it does not disturb seagulls, a magpie, and a kookaburra in his garden by the sea in South Australia.

Men inspecting a buckled railway line
Men inspecting a buckled railway line which caused an accident on the South Australian railways.

A railway accident in South Australia
Men inspecting train wreckage resulting from a railway accident in South Australia.

A railway accident in South Australia
Wrecked South Australian Railways goods train trucks after a railway accident in South Australia.

A crowd of friends farewelling a ship
A view of friends farewelling a departing ship thought to have been taken by a passenger.

Wagon load of bagged wheat at a railway station
Wagon load of bagged wheat about to be stacked at a country railway station to await transport.

Wagon load of wheat at a railway station
A wagon load of wheat at a country railway station about to be stacked to await transport.

A railway truck stacked with bagged wheat
Men sitting on top of a railway truck stacked with bagged wheat at a country railway station in South Australia.

Women and children on the verandah of a house
Women and children admiring the garden from the verandah of a country house which is decorated with wrought-iron work.

Children at Frenchman's Rock, Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island
Children waving flags visiting Frenchman's Rock at Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island.

A country family group in South Australia
A country family group in South Australia taken in their garden.

A new house in South Australia
A newly built family home in South Australia.

Vintage time at Seppelts winery
Horse drawn carts bringing the grapes in during vintage time at Seppelts winery in the Barossa Valley, South Australia.

Destruction caused by a fire
Destruction caused by a fire in South Australia.

An unidentified man
An unidentified South Australian man of the older generation.

Robert Harkness
Robert Harkness of a Christian revivalist movement the Chapman Alexander Mission which originated in the U.S.A.

Members of the Norwood Mission Band
Group photograph of the members of the Norwood Mission Band.

Douglas Mawson with four other men
Douglas Mawson standing with four other men on Semaphore Jetty, after his return to Australia from Antarctica on 26 February 1914. A. Piper is second from the left, he was appointed a judge of the Supreme Court, South Australia in 1927. A researcher has added that the man, first left, is Charles R. Hodge Registrar of Adelaide University.

Horse-racing officials at Kapunda Club
Nine horse-racing officials at Kapunda Club.

Prominent Adelaide businessmen
A large group of prominent Adelaide businessmen.

Girls playing hockey
An action view of girls playing hockey in Adelaide.

Competitors at a dog show
Competitors in the English bull dog class at a dog show in Adelaide.

Afternoon tea being served in a marquee
Male guests sitting down to afternoon tea served in a marquee; a clergyman standing at the rear is identified as Archdeacon Hornabrook of Adelaide.

Chapel men in South Australia
An informal group of twelve men sitting alongside the foundation stone of the Methodist Church in Cummins.

Constructing a tramline across a swamp
Men constructing a tramline across a swamp at Henley Beach, South Australia.

A public meeting at Henley Beach
Crowds attending a public meeting at Henley Beach at which A.H.Peake, South Australian politician was present; purpose unknown.

Farm workers with a wool clip
Farm workers standing by and sitting on bales of wool from a property near Brighton; the lettering reads 'J.M.Seaview, A.F.L.S.'

A horse drawn vehicle
A horse drawn vehicle and its driver.

A Hardy's wines display
A Hardy's wines display at an exhibition.

Trade exhibition displays
South Australian Chamber of Manufactures Inc. 1910 trade exhibition displays. An exhibition of manufacturers, arts and industries, held in Adelaide from 24 March to 4 May 1910.