Find • PRG 280 • Results 181 to 210 of 19,891

One of nine general landscape and coastal views of Palm Island

One of nine general landscape and coastal views of Palm Island

One of nine general landscape and coastal views of Palm Island. [Series includes PRG 280/1/2/285-292 & 295.]

One of nine general landscape and coastal views of Palm Island

One of nine general landscape and coastal views of Palm Island

One of nine general landscape and coastal views of Palm Island. [Series includes PRG 280/1/2/285-292 & 295.]

One of nine general landscape and coastal views of Palm Island

One of nine general landscape and coastal views of Palm Island

One of nine general landscape and coastal views of Palm Island. [Series includes PRG 280/1/2/285-292 & 295.]

Views of Palm Island, Queensland

Views of Palm Island, Queensland

One of nine general landscape and coastal views of Palm Island. [Series includes PRG 280/1/2/285-292 & 295.]

Steam ships at Townsville

Steam ships at Townsville

One of six views of steam ships at Townsville, they include; "Sussex", "Everton Grange", "Oswestry Grange", "Drayton Grange", "Syrian", "Cintra", "Marloo". [Series is PRG 280/1/2/303-308.]

Steamships at Townsville

Steamships at Townsville

One of six views of steam ships at Townsville, they include; "Sussex", "Everton Grange", "Oswestry Grange", "Drayton Grange", "Syrian", "Cintra", "Marloo". [Series is PRG 280/1/2/303-308.]

Steamships at Townsville

Steamships at Townsville

One of six views of steam ships at Townsville, they include; "Sussex", "Everton Grange", "Oswestry Grange", "Drayton Grange", "Syrian", "Cintra", "Marloo". [Series is PRG 280/1/2/303-308.]

Steamships at Townsville

Steamships at Townsville

One of six views of steam ships at Townsville, they include; "Sussex", "Everton Grange", "Oswestry Grange", "Drayton Grange", "Syrian", "Cintra", "Marloo". [Series is PRG 280/1/2/303-308.]

Steamships at Townsville

Steamships at Townsville

One of six views of steam ships at Townsville, they include; "Sussex", "Everton Grange", "Oswestry Grange", "Drayton Grange", "Syrian", "Cintra", "Marloo". [Series is PRG 280/1/2/303-308.]

Laying cable in East Terrace

Laying cable in East Terrace

East Terrace: excavation along East Terrace, opposite East End market where workers are laying electric cable.

The road to 'Camelot' at Burra

The road to 'Camelot' at Burra

One of two water-colour paintings, one signed TLW, and identified as 'the road to "Camelot" Burra 1910'. [See PRG 280/1/4/508 for other artwork.]

Sir John Duncan laying Presbyterian Church, Unley, foundation stone

Sir John Duncan laying Presbyterian Church, Unley, foundation stone

Sir John Duncan, MLC, laying the foundation stone of the Presbyterian Church of St. Andrew's at Hughes Street, Unley on 1 February 1913 (two views - see also PRG 280/1/6/96).

Arthur Searcy

Arthur Searcy

Portrait of Arthur Searcy, 1852-1935, wearing a Marine Board cap. [One of two views - see PRG 280/1/1/456 for the other portrait.]

Cricket team

Cricket team

An unidentified cricket team, with a young boy in front, pictured in front of an ivy-covered structure. [Note: obviously taken on the same day and place as the cricket team pictured in PRG 280/1/45/15.] According to a researcher this is the East Torrens B grade cricket team which played Sturt in the Final for season 1923-24. Back row [left to right] RH Dodd, AH Hearnden, HEP Whitfield, WM Mitchell, HCD Barker; Front row [l to r] MS Lonmire, R Wilson, CS Catt, W Scott, SH Richardson, AV Pitkin.

Sturt Cricket Team

Sturt Cricket Team

Members of the Sturt cricket team of April 1924, pictured in front of an ivy-covered structure. Names are as follows; [back row l to r] SW Smith (umpire), VP Selth, FH Golding, AE Hodder, JK Bruce, AJ Bartlett, GA Whiting, CL Cornish (umpire) [front row l to r] HJ McKay, FK Gould, HB Willsmore, VY Richardson (captain), RJB Townsend, JJ Barrett. [sitting front] SA Nancarrow (scorer). [Note: obviously taken on the same day and place as the cricket team pictured in PRG 280/1/45/7.]

Opening of SA Parliament

Opening of SA Parliament

Parade of army personnel on North Terrace outside Parliament House to coincide with the July 1924 opening of Parliament. See also PRG 280/1/45/53.

Interior of shed

Interior of shed

Interior of a large, corrugated iron shed, filled with packing cases and bales. A pulley is suspended from the rafters. See PRG 280/1/45/126 for detail of pulley.

Rifle Club members

Rifle Club members

Thirteen men pose for the camera outside a corrugated iron building; identified on the back as the Rifle Club. Further identification: No. 2 (Southern) D.R.C.U. Team outside of the big hut at the Dean Rifle Range, Port Adelaide. Back row: 3rd from left - H.M. Natt (Langhorne Creek), 4th M. Parish (Murray Bridge), 5th A.B. Potts (Langhorne Creek); Seated: 3rd from left - C.T. Parish (Murray Bridge), S. Deed (Murray Bridge).] See also PRG 280/1/45/41, 42, 61 & 62.

Competitors in a rifle competition

Competitors in a rifle competition

A group of 'mid-northern riflemen after competing at rifle range, Adleide, 1924'. See also PRG 280/1/45/40, 42, 61 & 62.

Competitors in a rifle competition

Competitors in a rifle competition

A group of competitors after competing at the Adelaide rifle range, Adelaide, 1924'. See also PRG 280/1/45/40, 41, 61 & 62.

Mr. Thompson

Mr. Thompson

Portrait of 'Mr Thompson, Mayor of St Peters, SA'. See also PRG 280/1/45/78.

Football team

Football team

A unidentified football team photographed in front of some wooden seats. See also PRG 280/1/45/63.

Opening of SA Parliament

Opening of SA Parliament

Guard of honour on North Terrace outside Parliament House to coincide with the July 1924 opening of Parliament. See also PRG 280/1/45/17.

Competitors in a rifle competition

Competitors in a rifle competition

A group of rifle shooters at the Adelaide rifle range. See also PRG 280/1/45/40-42 & 62.

Competitors in a rifle competition

Competitors in a rifle competition

A group of rifle shooters at the Adelaide rifle range. See also PRG 280/1/45/40-42 & 61.

Football team

Football team

Team photograph of football players and officials at an unidentified location. See also PRG 280/1/45/54.

Mr. Thompson

Mr. Thompson

Portrait of 'Mr Thompson, Mayor of St Peters, SA'. See also PRG 280/1/45/46.

Lord Mayor and Canadian soccer team

Lord Mayor and Canadian soccer team

The Canadian soccer team, pictured with Lord Mayor Glover (in centre). Duplicate of PRG 280/1/45/189.

Boy scouts at Jubilee oval

Boy scouts at Jubilee oval

View of a ceremony at Jubilee Oval, Adelaide, at a boy scout event. See also PRG 280/1/45/159.

Lord Harrowby and Colonel Butler

Lord Harrowby and Colonel Butler

Two men, identified as 'Lord Harrowby & Col. Butler (President R.S. League) at Soldier's Club, Adelaide'. See also PRG 280/1/445/166.