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Wayne Fumiga from Cross Road Bowl with the wishing well which is raising money for the Anti-Cancer Foundation, Mitcham Branch. 7th February 1990.

Anita Wayne, Vice President of the Anti-Vivisection Union, with one of her cats she is fighting to protect from frightening acts of cruelty. 22nd June 1988.

Anita Wayne, Vice President of the Anti-Vivisection Union, with one of her cats she is fighting to protect from frightening acts of cruelty. 22nd June 1988.

Daniel Alexander, 15 from Norwood who is sponsored by Apex, with Peter Raguckas of Norwood Apex Club, hard at work on "The One and All" vessel at Port Adelaide. 13th March 1989.

Member of Blackwood Apex Club collecting money from passing motorists for the Queensland and New South Wales Flood Relief Program. 20th June 1990.

Presentation of $1,000 cheque to the Wheelchair Sports group (from left) marathon champion Rob Turner, Blackwood Apex president David Hilton. Mark Tregoning executive director of Wheelchair Sports and Tim Maloney State Basketball representative. 17th June 1987.

Cambelltown Apex Club members Neville Grigg (left) and Trevor Ayliffe help students Cheryl Brown and Chris Sanderson prepare for future job interviews. 20th April 1988.

Guide Dog Association promotion manager Peter Watts accepts a cheque from Campbelltown Apex Club member Neville Grigg. 1st June 1988.

Toasting the new financial year underneath the "Apex Avenue" street sign are (from left) Modbury Apex incoming secretary Pat Bulpin, incoming president Graham Hillier, and incoming State Youth chairman, Noel Kennedy. 27th July 1988.

Vice President of Modbury Apex Club, Noel Kennedy working with residents of Yombo Villa Strathmont, Richard Mann, Emillo Carnazolla and Joey Pearce. They are busy developing Dene Reserve. 28th November 1989.

Emillo Carnazolla and Modbury Apex Club Vice President Noel Kennedy planting trees at the Dene Reserve. 20th December 1989.

Daniel Alexander of Norwood, sponsored by Apex, and Peter Raguckas of Norwood Apex Club hard at work on the deck of "The One and All" sailing ship. 13th March 1989.

Perry Park Nursing Home residents will stay warm this winter with their multi-coloured blankets donated by the Noarlunga Arthritis Club. (l to r) Florence Wooden, Eva Grimwood, Florence O'Sullivan and Eva Harris. 3rd May 1989.

Workers from the South Australian Brush Company doorknocking for the Heart Foundation and Arthritis Foundation. (left to right) Gianna Carlassare from Woodville West and Bernadette Kimber from Henley Beach. 1989.

At the Colonnades Shopping Centre knitting up a storm for the Arthritis Foundation are Nancy Shepherd and Carol Giddings both of Christies Beach, Betty Mueller from Morphett Vale and Kath Hodson from Christie Downs. 24th January 1990.

Paul Howard and Nancy Blackburn from the Arthritis Foundation. Behind them is a photograph of a previous winner of the Foundation's Grandmother of the Year Competition. 7th November 1990.

Arthritis Foundation Tea Tree Gully branch members Sheila Eden, Judy Drew and Sue Nancarrow doing their hand and finger exercises. 8th June 1988.

"Time's up!" Arthritis Association's Tanya Dewhurst (right) times the "knit one, pearl one" of Deanna Jones in Knit-In '88. 20th July 1988.

Charmain Hodge from Salisbury and Ben Hargon from Sydney look over some of Colin Thiele's books at the Juvenile Arthritis Youth Forum held at Nunyara Conference Centre at Belair last week. 28th January 1987.

We did it! June Schaeffer (left) from Glen Osmond and Judith Rischbieth from Walkerville proudly show the $9,000 cheque they raised for the Australian Brain Foundation. 3rd May 1989.

Dan Manning, the Australia Day Citizen of the Year for 1990. 4th July 1990.

Australia Day at the Grange Hotel with Andrew McPhee of West Beach eating a witchity grub. 22nd January 1992.

Balfours Bakehouse continued its tradition of donating Adelaide's official Australia Day birthday cake last week. Pictured are decorating manager Gary Murphy and special products manager Ian Gilmour putting the finishing touches to the 1.2 metre square cake. After the cutting, the cake was consumed by Adelaide Children's Hospital patients. 1st February 1989.

Australia Day Elizabeth committee member Pauline Frost unfurls the national flag in preparation for January's celebrations. 9th December 1987.

Elizabeth City Centre Australia Day flag raising ceremony. 1st February 1989.

Illoura Baptist Homes for the Aged resident Dorrie Mollison with a solid all-Aussie meal (jar of Vegemite between bread). 3rd February 1988.

The Great Australian Bite - a meat pie with the numeral 26 piped on in tomato sauce. An Australia Day photograph. 21st January 1987.

Paul, 6, and Lisa , 4, of Hackham West stake their claim on Christies Beach in time for the big Australia Day beach carnival, Tuesday January 26. 20th January 1988.

Residents of Myall Avenue Kensington Gardens, enjoying their Australia Day street party. 3rd February 1988.