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Jennifer Chapman
Portrait of Jennifer Chapman, chief manager Co-op Building Society. This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under 'surnames starting with C'.

Peter Chester
Portrait of Peter Chester, partner at Baker O'Loughlin (photo stamped on back 12 July 1989). This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under 'surnames starting with C'.

Glenn Cooper
Portrait of Glenn Cooper by Don McLennan. This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under 'surnames starting with C'.

Dr David David
People photographed by Messenger Press, surnames starting with D, featuring Dr David David, Rostrevor. Craniofacial Unit. 3/3/1988.

Don Hopgood and Hugh Hudson

Malcolm Germein
Photographs of South Australian identities with surnames starting with 'G' featuring Malcolm Germein, member of Local Government Boundary Reform Board, February 1996.

Stephen Duncan
People photographed by Messenger Press, surnames starting with D, featuring Stephen Duncan, partner Stephen Duncan & Associates.

Dr. Robert Ritson
Photos of politicians collected by Messenger Press under 'Politicians L-R' featuring Dr. Robert Ritson, Liberal Party of Australia, Legislative Council.

J. C. Cusack
Portrait of J. C. Cusack, Director of Adelaide area, Education Department of SA. (Back of photo stamped 16 May 1990.) This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under 'surnames starting with C'.

John Mathwin
Photos of politicians collected by Messenger Press under 'Politicians L-R' featuring John Mathwin M.P., J.P., Member for Glenelg 1978/1979.

'Garden Art' exhibition
'Garden Art' exhibition in the Artspace at the Adelaide Festival Centre, 6 April - 26 May, featuring Sarah Crowest in front of one of her painted canvas panels. Bench seat by Martine Whitcroft and John Ross, and patio chairs by Bern and Gerhard Emmerichs. This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under 'surnames starting with C'.

John Dawes
People photographed by Messenger Press, surnames starting with D, featuring Public Advocate, John Dawes.

Qantas Boeing 747B
'A Qantas Boeing 747B. The aircraft which can carry up to 412 passengers is one of a fleet operated by Qantas in its world-wide routes. The jumbo is powered by four Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7F(W) jet engines, each capable of 50,000 pounds of thrust. The 747B has a cruising speed of 570 M.P.H. over a range of 4,750 nautical miles. An indication of the proportions of the massive aircraft is the fact that its fuel load alone weighs more than the fully-laden weight of Boeing 707.

Mayor elect, Wendy Chapman
Portrait of Mayor elect, Mrs Wendy Chapman at her North Adelaide home. Photo by C. Russell. This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under 'surnames starting with C'.

Prototype hand engineered aircraft
Small prototype hand engineered aircraft, possibly ready for an air show.

People : G surnames
Photographs of South Australian identities with surnames starting with 'G'.

Bob Day
People photographed by Messenger Press, surnames starting with D, featuring Bob Day of Homestead award winning homes.

Doug Rowe
Photos of politicians collected by Messenger Press under 'Politicians L-R' featuring Doug Rowe, Liberal candidate for Walsh.

Terry Stuart
Photos of politicians collected by Messenger Press under 'Politicians S-Z' featuring Terry Stuart.

Rick Carter
Portrait of Rick Carter, Western Region branch manager of D & B Software (photo stamped 20 Feb 1991 on verso). This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under 'surnames starting with C'.

Alan Cunningham
Portrait of Alan Cunningham, Managing Director of the Australian Stock Exchange (Adelaide). (Back of photo stamped 15 February 1989.) This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under 'surnames starting with C'.

People : G surnames
Photographs of South Australian identities with surnames starting with 'G'.

Take off from Adelaide airport
Jumbo aircraft taking off from Adelaide airport over the golf course, with the city and ranges in view.

Southern Cross replica
The replica model of the Southern Cross stands ready for take-off at Parafield Airport.

Peter Campbell
Portrait of Mr Peter Campbell, partner in Kelly & Co. (photo stamped May 1996 on verso). This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under 'surnames starting with C'.

Alan Carter
Portrait of Mr Alan Carter (photo is stamped 20 Dec 1989 on verso). This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under 'surnames starting with C'.

Henry Ninio with Mr and Mrs Chesterman
Mayor Henry Ninio (left) pictured with Sylvia Chesterman and Ian Chesterman (Commonwealth Bank) at the Lady Mayoress' fashion awards. This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under 'surnames starting with C'.

Robert Chirgwin
Robert Chirgwin, new CEO of Ngapartji Multimedia Centre. Photo by Karlhuber Photographic, Darwin. (Back of photo stamped 26 May 1999). This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under 'surnames starting with C'.

Father Stephen Clark
Father Stephen Clark, director St Paul's Centre, Adelaide. (Back of photo stamped 16 Feb 1999). This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under 'surnames starting with C'.

Tim Marcus Clark and Mollison Litchfield
State Bank managing director Tim Marcus Clark (left) and Mollison Litchfield, managing partner of David Gaszner, check out the new State Bank Centre. (Back of photo stamped 5 July 1989). This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under 'surnames starting with C'.