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Adult education : Unemployed : Job seeking

Adult education : Unemployed : Job seeking

[The jubilant teenagers who completed the training program with Elizabeth Council.] 3rd December 1986.

Adult education : Unemployed : Job seeking

Adult education : Unemployed : Job seeking

[The message to "Go for it" is clear according to from left, Carlo Volpato, Sue Wakeham and Linda Gebhardt at the Payneham CES office.] 11th June 1988.

Adult education : Unemployed : Job seeking

Adult education : Unemployed : Job seeking

[Noarlunga Youth Access Centre co-ordinator Geoff Sherlock (right) helps a young client seeking employment. The centre has a selection of videos on careers, job information binders and job information guides to help.] 6th July 1988.

Adult education : Unemployed : Job seeking

Adult education : Unemployed : Job seeking

[In a job-interview mock-up at the Avago Centre, Tea Tree Gully, are Trevor Ayliffe, 21, and Julie Clare, 18, being filmed by Rebecca Harry, 17.] 20th April 1988.

Adult education : Unemployed : Job seeking

Adult education : Unemployed : Job seeking

Avago Garage Workshop. Marc Paravia of Paradise and Scott Krejzlik of Campbelltown honing their engineering skills under the bonnet of Marc's car. 1989.

Adult education : Unemployed : Job seeking

Adult education : Unemployed : Job seeking

Project Officer John Federico demonstrates to students his welding techniques at the Port Skillshare Centre. 1989.

Adult education : University

Adult education : University

Jessica Davison of Crafers graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree beside Lucinda Marsh of Gilberton. 6th May 1987.

Adult education : University

Adult education : University

[Education isn't always for the youngsters as George Bravey, of Tea Tree Gully shows after he recently received his Bachelor of Arts degree.] 13th May 1987.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Jean Birrell

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Jean Birrell

[Caption] Jean Birrell of Beaumont finishing a still life. 20th April 1988.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : John Bowe

Arts and Crafts : Artists : John Bowe

[Caption] Sash Ferguson Hostel. John Bowe working on his paintings. 29th June 1988.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Wanda Brebenec

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Wanda Brebenec

[Caption] Wanda Brebenec with her prize-winning painting at the Rotary Arts Festival at Blackwood High School. 20th July 1988.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : June Colligan

Arts and Crafts : Artists : June Colligan

[Caption] The finishing touch! Rostrevor artist June Colligan prepares for the opening of an exhibition to be held at the Kintore Gallery this month. 17th August 1988.

Arts and Crafts : Artists

Arts and Crafts : Artists

[Caption] Lombard Art Gallery owner Mrs Gaal shows some of the exhibits in the "Colourful World of Birds" display which includes works from Pro Hart and Lars Knudsen. 4th March 1987.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Don Gangell, Susanne Shilling and Harry Norris

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Don Gangell, Susanne Shilling and Harry Norris

[Caption] A special art exhibition for local artists is being held at the Somerton Park Art Gallery until Friday. Here Marion's Don Gangell (left) and Warradale's Susanne Shilling and Harry Norris show off some of their paintings. 15th April 1987.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Michael Gibb

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Michael Gibb

[Caption] Michael Gibb with one of his nude paintings included in an exhibition at Mrs Gifford's Cafe at the Migration Museum. 7th March 1990.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Jean Hamilton, Bert Van Steenis, Shirley Jones and Co Van Steenis

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Jean Hamilton, Bert Van Steenis, Shirley Jones and Co Van Steenis

[Caption] Left to right: Jean Hamilton, Bert Van Steenis, Shirley Jones and Co Van Steenis. 7th February 1990.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Jeff Harris

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Jeff Harris

[Caption] Surrounded by the tools of his trade is Jeff Harris, winner of the Burnside Bicentennial Art Exhibition and Competition. 11th May 1988.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Loreto Hewitt, Asia Juwa, Sara Halles and Dominique Chivers

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Loreto Hewitt, Asia Juwa, Sara Halles and Dominique Chivers

[Caption] Artist Loreto Hewitt shows St Augustine's Parish School students (from left) Asia Juwa, Sara Halles and Dominique Chivers how to do stencil printing. 9th September 1987.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Andris Jansons

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Andris Jansons

[Caption] Andris Jansons, painting and sculpture judge. 8th July 1987.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Paul McCoy

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Paul McCoy

[Caption] Paul McCoy, starring in a video "Who We Really Are", enjoys painting in his spare time. 22nd December 1987.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : June MacLucas

Arts and Crafts : Artists : June MacLucas

[Caption] Valley View artist June MacLucas at work on SA's longest continuous drawing which is a 42 metre charcoal drawing produced for an exhibition at Underdale SACAE. 19th April 1989.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : June MacLucas

Arts and Crafts : Artists : June MacLucas

[Caption] Prospect Gallery. Artist June MacLucas of Valley View with two of her works of art. 26th May 1992.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Murray McPhie

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Murray McPhie

[Caption] Murray McPhie with his winning painting at the Enfield Civic Centre. 14th June 1988.

Arts and Crafts : Artists

Arts and Crafts : Artists

Murray Marks Art Contest winner. 13th December 1989.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Gordon Mart

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Gordon Mart

[Caption] Woodville West artist Gordon Mart paints a peaceful river scene in his backyard studio. 27th July 1988.

Arts and Crafts : Artists

Arts and Crafts : Artists

Budding artist Michael Newall (15 years old) of Kensington Park working on a new masterpiece. 17th August 1988.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Ron Orchard

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Ron Orchard

[Caption] Artist Ron Orchard in his Belair studio. 18th February 1987.

Arts and Crafts : Artists

Arts and Crafts : Artists

Katherine Stafford of Blackwood and Terry Eyre of Eden Hills displaying their work at Studio 200. 16th May 1990.

Arts and Crafts : Artists

Arts and Crafts : Artists

[Phoenix Society Exhibition of Art Convenors Shirley Stagg of West Lakes putting the finishing touches to one of her paintings for the fundraiser.] 16th September 1987.

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Dorothy Thiem

Arts and Crafts : Artists : Dorothy Thiem

[Caption] Mrs Dorothy Thiem with her paintings at the Goolwa exhibition in May 1986.]