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After writing for only five years Seaview Downs woman Betty Bishop has had one of her stories published. 10 May 1988.

Chris Brand (Author), Donna Jones, Kragg Dixon, Emma Rogers, Catherine Martin, Eva Ruggiero. 2 July 1986.

Howard Brock - gardener, adventurer, author. 10 August 1988.

David Vinall of Dover Gardens (right) and George Brooks (Author) are both car enthusiasts from way back. With them is a 1903 Oldsmobile which David's father restored. 1989.

Rhonda Brown, Millswood (Left) and Ruth White, Westbourne Park (Right), enjoying the finished product, Mitcham mosaic. 5 September 1990.

Port Adelaide poet Syd Buckingham and daughter Pam Pumpa of Pooraka. 1989.

Wally Budd's cat Rocket paws over Wally's new book 'Hear the Other Side' about cruelty to animals. 29 March 1989.

Reading the new 'Women Growing Older' manual are Southern Women's Health and Community Centre co-ordinator Kate Burns (left) and discussion group member Hazel Gloves. 23 March 1988.

Ona Butler tells the family history. 28 November 1990.

Helen Caterer, signs a book. 22 August 1990.

Doreen Clarke, writer-in-residence at Backstares Theatre Group... immersing herself in Noarlunga history. 16 September 1987.

Teacher-author Cora Ann Cobus with her recently-completed job seekers handbook. 5 November 1986.

Doris Crain... unusual method of writing her poetry. 27 August 1986.

Myrtle Bank walking enthusiast Jim Crinion with his 'Adelaide and country walks. Vol. 1.' He hopes to encourage more people to explore SA walking trails. 10 September 1986.

Leabrook author Josephine Croser recently launched her latest book 'Tiddycat' which deals with how children overcome the loss of a close friend. 21 June 1989.

Everyone needs a little help from time to time! Prince Alfred College teacher Nigel Croser and a few youngsters show Nigel's new book, 'Help'. 1 March 1989.

Nigel Croser (leabrook) with his book and students from Prince Alfred College. In the picture are Fletcher (Beulah Park), Adam (Torrens Park), Andrew (Clapham) and Alexanda (Mitcham). 21 February 1989.

Annesley College Year 12 English students and guests from other schools enjoyed a fascinating lesson when renowned Australian poet Bruce Dawe visited the school. The students have been studying the work of Dawe who is pictured with Susan Muchenberg and Anthea Lind. 1 July 1987.

Two-year-old Michael helps dad David Doolan of Norwood write poems to order. 16 March 1988.

Dorothy Durand, writer. 4 April 1990

Adam Dutkiewicz of Magill at writer's week 1990. 14 March 1990.

Grace Dutton of the Walkerville Nursing Home - writing poems. 4 October 1988.

Janet Dunn...wants to hear from anyone who has had an encounter of a ghostly kind to include in her book. 1 April 1987.

(Left to right) Jackie Goreham, Soukaserm Rattanatray, Max Fatchen, Warren Hender. 28 February 1990.

(Left to right) - Chantelle Boyd, Max Fatchen, Michael Gauci, Shannon Parnell. 11 July 1990.

Gerry Raggio and Max Fatchen. 4 July 1990.

Max Fatchen at Writers Week 1990. 14 March 1990.

Max Fatchen, Eldria Riggs and Jo Gapper. 1988.

Life be in books, Max fatchen at the State Library. 17 July 1991.