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Salvation Army celebrating 100 years of service. Left to right: Margaret Hunter, Vic Reddy, Judy Thomas, Mrs Captain Dorothy Goldsmith, Stewart Naylor, Envoy Cameron Wallace. 15th August 1990.

Salvation Army celebrating 100 years of service. Left to right: Margaret Hunter, Vic Reddy, Judy Thomas, Mrs Captain Dorothy Goldsmith, Stewart Naylor, Envoy Cameron Wallace. 15th August 1990.

Salvation Army Girl Guides. Left to right: Beverley Chapman (13), Chrys Webb (Morphett Vale Guide Leader) and Ilka Schwer (13). 11th July 1990.

Salvation Army Girl Guides. Left to right: Beverley Chapman (13), Chrys Webb (Morphett Vale Guide Leader) and Ilka Schwer (13). 11th July 1990.

Christies Beach Salvation Army Captain Alan Steven with some donated pumpkins. 1988.

Christies Beach Salvation Army Captain Alan Steven with some donated pumpkins. 1988.

Salvation Army's Barry Myers sits on one of the centre's beds, which is expected to be fully occupied during the cold winter months. 13th May 1992.

Salvation Army's Barry Myers sits on one of the centre's beds, which is expected to be fully occupied during the cold winter months. 13th May 1992.

Salvation Army Soup Kitchen. Julia Ferguson (Noarlunga Downs) and Captain Alan Steven (Morphett Vale) prepare the evening meal. 29th April 1987.

Salvation Army Soup Kitchen. Julia Ferguson (Noarlunga Downs) and Captain Alan Steven (Morphett Vale) prepare the evening meal. 29th April 1987.

Salvation Army Holiday Care. Ingle Farm children enjoying an excursion during the school holidays. 5th October 1988.

Salvation Army Holiday Care. Ingle Farm children enjoying an excursion during the school holidays. 5th October 1988.

Save the Children Fund. Volunteers Molly Giles, Meg Mitchell and Rosa Nedev renovating shelving for the opening of the Brighton Save the Children Shop. 1988.

Save the Children Fund. Volunteers Molly Giles, Meg Mitchell and Rosa Nedev renovating shelving for the opening of the Brighton Save the Children Shop. 1988.

Save the Children Fund. Volunteers Molly Giles, Meg Mitchell and Rosa Nedev preparing for the opening of the Brighton Save the Children Shop. 11th May 1988.

Save the Children Fund. Volunteers Molly Giles, Meg Mitchell and Rosa Nedev preparing for the opening of the Brighton Save the Children Shop. 11th May 1988.

Save the Children Fund volunteers Betty Hart and Barbara Martin show their contributions to the Cumberland Park's Save the Children Fund Shop where they work. 10th August 1988.

Save the Children Fund volunteers Betty Hart and Barbara Martin show their contributions to the Cumberland Park's Save the Children Fund Shop where they work. 10th August 1988.

Somerton Park Sea Scouts. Left to right: Kevin Cooper, Trevor Gray, Gareth Thompson. 1988.

Somerton Park Sea Scouts. Left to right: Kevin Cooper, Trevor Gray, Gareth Thompson. 1988.

Scout activities at the Sea Scout Centre. Nick (12) of Banksia Park and Diet (14) of Woodville. 1989.

Scout activities at the Sea Scout Centre. Nick (12) of Banksia Park and Diet (14) of Woodville. 1989.

Narelle Pratt, 17, of Smithfield Plains is a venturer at the St Kilda Sea Scout display at Parabanks Shopping Centre last week. 27th May 1987.

Narelle Pratt, 17, of Smithfield Plains is a venturer at the St Kilda Sea Scout display at Parabanks Shopping Centre last week. 27th May 1987.

Hardy's Gold Label Tawny Port...the toast of Henley and Grange. At the bottle's launch are (from left) Harold Anderson, Bicentennial committee chairman Gordon Hore, committee member Jack Glasson and Henley and Grange chief librarian Cynthia Dobson. 16 December 1987.

Hardy's Gold Label Tawny Port...the toast of Henley and Grange. At the bottle's launch are (from left) Harold Anderson, Bicentennial committee chairman Gordon Hore, committee member Jack Glasson and Henley and Grange chief librarian Cynthia Dobson. 16 December 1987.

Vaughan, Andrew, Andria, Olivia, Rebecca, Clare - All of Houghton. 27 May 1988

Vaughan, Andrew, Andria, Olivia, Rebecca, Clare - All of Houghton. 27 May 1988

Snakes alive! Phillip, 11, of Houghton, with an Aboriginal carved snake which forms part of a Bicentennial display by students at Houghton Primary School. 1 June 1988.

Snakes alive! Phillip, 11, of Houghton, with an Aboriginal carved snake which forms part of a Bicentennial display by students at Houghton Primary School. 1 June 1988.

Kensington and Norwood alderman Alby South does a jig in colonial sailor's gear to promote the Flinders Cat Memorial Ball, a local Bicentennial event in honor of Matthew Flinders' cat, Trim. 20 January 1988.

Kensington and Norwood alderman Alby South does a jig in colonial sailor's gear to promote the Flinders Cat Memorial Ball, a local Bicentennial event in honor of Matthew Flinders' cat, Trim. 20 January 1988.

Alby South dressed in colonial sailors gear. Pictured trimming his beard for the Flinders Memorial Ball. 20 January 1988.

Alby South dressed in colonial sailors gear. Pictured trimming his beard for the Flinders Memorial Ball. 20 January 1988.

Sea Scouts leader Jeff Deering with a display a boats from the Underdale Sea Scout Group. 1st June 1988.

Sea Scouts leader Jeff Deering with a display a boats from the Underdale Sea Scout Group. 1st June 1988.

Somerton Park Sea Scouts, Heath Culliver (11), Scott Rattigan (12), Jason Vertue (11), with leader Rod Kitto, with their new kayak canoe. 24th April 1990.

Somerton Park Sea Scouts, Heath Culliver (11), Scott Rattigan (12), Jason Vertue (11), with leader Rod Kitto, with their new kayak canoe. 24th April 1990.

Sea Scouts camped at McDonalds trying to raise money to buy a boat. Included are Craig and Steven Douglas (11 year twins), Jason Bury (11), Glenn and Linda Passfield (13 and 11), Bradley and Adrian Merryweather (13 and 11). 17th January 1990.

Sea Scouts camped at McDonalds trying to raise money to buy a boat. Included are Craig and Steven Douglas (11 year twins), Jason Bury (11), Glenn and Linda Passfield (13 and 11), Bradley and Adrian Merryweather (13 and 11). 17th January 1990.

Getting into knots at the sea cadet corps are (from left), Brent Matthews, Tammy King, Tracey Mossop, Angeline Tate, Samantha Bentley and Katrina Vardon. Inspecting is Chief Petty Officer Keith Fry. 7th May 1985.

Getting into knots at the sea cadet corps are (from left), Brent Matthews, Tammy King, Tracey Mossop, Angeline Tate, Samantha Bentley and Katrina Vardon. Inspecting is Chief Petty Officer Keith Fry. 7th May 1985.

Noarlunga Senior Citizens Club opening day morning tea. Left to right: Iris Knight (Hackham), Liz Burford (Assistant Co-ordinator), Margaret Romans (Morphett Vale). 1989.

Noarlunga Senior Citizens Club opening day morning tea. Left to right: Iris Knight (Hackham), Liz Burford (Assistant Co-ordinator), Margaret Romans (Morphett Vale). 1989.

At the Peregrin Park Senior Citizen Club for the 5th birthday celebration. Left to right; Mal Sporne (Founder), Ted Hall (1st President), Cliff Leak (Current President) and Arty Ferguson (Co-Founder). 1989.

At the Peregrin Park Senior Citizen Club for the 5th birthday celebration. Left to right; Mal Sporne (Founder), Ted Hall (1st President), Cliff Leak (Current President) and Arty Ferguson (Co-Founder). 1989.

Stirling Aged Care Centre occupational therapist Wendy Morris (front right) and elderly citizens gather around the centre's bus, ready for another outing. 16th December 1987.

Stirling Aged Care Centre occupational therapist Wendy Morris (front right) and elderly citizens gather around the centre's bus, ready for another outing. 16th December 1987.

Megan Robson is the first SA girl admitted into the Boy Scouts. She is an official member of the Belair troop along with her father David who is assistant scout leader. 8th July 1987.

Megan Robson is the first SA girl admitted into the Boy Scouts. She is an official member of the Belair troop along with her father David who is assistant scout leader. 8th July 1987.

Cub Scouts hoisting the flag. Left to right: Ben Heide (8, Flagstaff Hill), Ross Arthur (11, Happy Valley), Wayne Arthur (12, Happy Valley), Leonie Arthur (Cub Leader), Andrew Ellis (11, Flagstaff Hill). 10th April 1990.

Cub Scouts hoisting the flag. Left to right: Ben Heide (8, Flagstaff Hill), Ross Arthur (11, Happy Valley), Wayne Arthur (12, Happy Valley), Leonie Arthur (Cub Leader), Andrew Ellis (11, Flagstaff Hill). 10th April 1990.

Boy Scouts Recycling Depot. Left to right: Jimmy (12, Mitchell Park), Adam (11, Trott Park), Cameron (9, Trott Park), Peter (11, Sturt), Greg (13, Seacliff Park). 23rd May 1990.

Boy Scouts Recycling Depot. Left to right: Jimmy (12, Mitchell Park), Adam (11, Trott Park), Cameron (9, Trott Park), Peter (11, Sturt), Greg (13, Seacliff Park). 23rd May 1990.

Bill Mugge of St Georges was awarded the OAM for his services to the Scouting Movement. He is pictured wearing a coat covered in various scouting badges. 1990.

Bill Mugge of St Georges was awarded the OAM for his services to the Scouting Movement. He is pictured wearing a coat covered in various scouting badges. 1990.

Scouting Movement member Harold Chenery of Clapham after receiving his Silver Acorn Award. 7th February 1990.

Scouting Movement member Harold Chenery of Clapham after receiving his Silver Acorn Award. 7th February 1990.

Scouting Movement band members Ben Kirk (12), Brett Whittaker (12) and Phillip Williams (10). 24th April 1990.

Scouting Movement band members Ben Kirk (12), Brett Whittaker (12) and Phillip Williams (10). 24th April 1990.