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Photograph of young boys from the Spartans Basketball Team at the YMCA in August 1964.

St. Martins Kindergarten

St. Martins Kindergarten

Photograph of children from St. Martins Kindergarten being read a story by their teacher in July 1964, Mount Gambier.

Pre-School Kindergarten Trampoline

Pre-School Kindergarten Trampoline

Photograph of two children using the trampoline watched by others at the Pre-School Kindergarten on 15th May 1963, Mount Gambier.

Old Folks Home fete

Old Folks Home fete

Photograph of six young children in fancy dress participating in a lucky dip during the fete at the Old Folks Home on 27th April 1963, Mount Gambier.



Photograph of ten teenage boys sports team with an instructor at the YMCA in May 1963, Mount Gambier.

Lutheran Kindergarten

Lutheran Kindergarten

Photograph of six Lutheran Kindergarten students playing percussion instruments in October 1964, Mount Gambier.

New Baptist Hall

New Baptist Hall

Photograph of possibly a Sunday School party held in the New Baptist Hall on 7th April 1963, Mount Gambier.

Old Folks Home Fete

Old Folks Home Fete

Photograph of five children in fancy dress during the fete at the Old Folks Home on 27th April 1963, Mount Gambier.

Coronation Ball (Poster Contest)

Coronation Ball (Poster Contest)

Photograph of four teenage boys from Mount Gambier Technical High School promoting the poster contest for the Coronation Ball in May 1963.

Tree Planting

Tree Planting

Photograph of a man and a young child planting a tree during the Tree Planting exercise on 13th July 1963, Mount Gambier.

Technical High School YMCA

Technical High School YMCA

Photograph of four students and a teacher from the Mount Gambier Technical High School on 9th April 1964. The student in the prefect jacket is Ian Attiwill. (information supplied by a researcher).

High School actors

High School actors

Photograph of four actors from the cast of the Mount Gambier High School play in September 1964. They include David Ashton, Helena Trevor, and Diane Williams, when they appeared in Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'.

Back ot Moorak School

Back ot Moorak School

Photograph of former students during Back to Moorak School celebrations on 1st September 1962. It is believed that John Sienemeier and Jock Telford are on the black horse (named Catalogue), Charlie Janeway on the bicycle, and Mr Long on the other horse which was named Brownie.

Marching Girls

Marching Girls

Photograph of six marching girls with their instructor in February 1964, Mount Gambier. According to a researcher, the girl with the whistle is Linda Sutherland and the woman next to her probably her mother and team chaperone, Mrs. J. R. Sutherland. This Mt Gambier team were called the 'Robertaires' and this was their first competition.

Back to Moorak School

Back to Moorak School

Photograph of former students during the Back to Moorak School celebrations on 1st September 1962.

Primary School Sports

Primary School Sports

Photograph of a group of young students at the Primary School Sports in March 1963, Mount Gambier.

Pre-School Kindergarten

Pre-School Kindergarten

Photograph of nine pre school children using scarves during an activity with a teacher on 4th November 1963, Mount Gambier.

Snow White

Snow White

Photograph of an event featuring Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in November 1963, Mount Gambier.

YMCA Presentation

YMCA Presentation

Photograph of the presentation of new lawn mower to the YMCA by Mr. Owen Roberts in July 1963, Mount Gambier.

Back to Moorak School

Back to Moorak School

Photograph of former students in uniform at the Back to Moorak School celebrations in 1962. Four of the Janeway sisters are present.

Back to Moorak School

Back to Moorak School

Photograph of seven former students, some in uniform, at the Back to Moorak School celebrations in 1962. They are standing in front of the school bell.

Technical School Prefects

Technical School Prefects

Photograph of ten prefects from the Mount Gambier Technical High School in May 1962. Front Row (L to R): Beverley Pannell, Suzanne Hazelwood, Christine Moynahan, Janet Kinmonth, Kaye Ashby; Second Row - L to R Haedyn Mansell, David Olsen ? Back Row ? Doug Turnbull ?.

Technical School Prefects

Technical School Prefects

Photograph of ten prefects from the Mount Gambier Technical High School in May 1962. A researcher has provided the following information: Back Row. Martinus Klaasens, ?, Roger Buck & Kaye Ashby. Middle Row. Hayden Mansell?, David Olney Front Row. Bev Pannell?, Susanne Hazlewood, Chris Moynihan, Janet Kinmonth.

Mount Gambier High School

Mount Gambier High School

Photograph of possibly the Head Boy being presented with his badge at the Mount Gambier High School on 11th April 1962.

Mount Gambier High School

Mount Gambier High School

Photograph of a man with two senior students at the Mount Gambier High School on 11th April 1962. The girl is probably Claire Schroder, daughter of one of the the teachers, whilst the boy is probably Frank Bowering, although according tot researcher his name is Max Megaw.

Marching Girls

Marching Girls

Photograph of ten Marching Girls in front of the Band Stand in 1962, Mount Gambier. Identified by a researcher as R.S.L. Juliettes. Midgets category.

Marching Girls

Marching Girls

Photograph of three Marching Girls with their instructor on 23rd September 1962, Mount Gambier.

Moorak Back to School

Moorak Back to School

Photograph of the crowds at the Back to Moorak School celebrations in 1962.

Banker's picnic

Banker's picnic

Photograph of people at the beach for a picnic.

High School

High School

Photograph of students during a presentation at an event at the High School in May 1962, Mount Gambier.