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Elder, Smith & Co premises
The Mount Gambier premises of Elder, Smith & Co. Ltd, with a Kain and Shelton stock transport loaded with sheep driving past. Vehicle is a Ford Jailbar articulated truck.

Methodist South East Mission van
A group of men standing near the Methodist South East Mission mobile unit van at Mount Gambier.

Premises of May & Davis
Premises of motor mechanics, May & Davis, at Mount Gambier, with various petrol bowsers at the front.

Mount Gambier fire truck
The Mount Gambier Emergency Fire Service truck parked outside a building. Truck is a World War Two Chev Blitz.

Commercial Street, Mount Gambier
View along Commercial Street, Mount Gambier, with the premises of Lewis Shoe Co., Helmers, Capitol Milk Bar, Young's Man's Shop, A.E. Higg & Son butcher, RAA office and the hotel visible.

'Three Oaks' under construction
View of the house 'Three Oaks', located at 68 Bay Road, Mount Gambier, under construction.

'Blue Lake' products
Photograph of 'Blue Lake' products: a packet of flaked oats and a box of 'quick oats'. The foods were produced by the Commercial Flour & Oatmeal Milling Co. Ltd, Mount Gambier.

Horse and buggy
A buggy drawn by two horses outside the Oddfellows' premises.

Leg of Mutton lake
An art photography view of a small building viewed across Leg of Mutton lake.

Road above Blue Lake
View of the road above Blue Lake.

Marist Brothers' College students
Students in grades VI and VII at Marist Brothers' College at Mount Gambier in 1946. Back row (from left): L.Naylor, E.Douglas, G.Darwent, R.Gabriel, M.Carroll, D.Richter, W.Klieve, B.Tucker, B.Mulraney, B.Bawden, P.O'Donnell, J.Jones. Middle row (from left): B.Hennessy, R.Davis, A.Spain, H.Dickson, K.Carroll, P.Dunne, K.Brooksby, P.Larkins, William Constable, T.Gartlan, R.Mugford. Front row (from left): J.Byrne, D.Watt, T.Noonan, K.Altschwager, B.Carracher, D.Roughana, B.Lawson, M.Sullivan, Warren Constable, G.Ascione, J.McIntosh.

Marist Brothers' College students
Class portrait of grade IV and V students at Marist Brothers' College at Mount Gambier. Back row (from left): P.Gartner, P.Chant, R.Lawson, C.Kennedy, R.Gaden, D.Cooper, N.Edwards, P.Brennan, P.McIntosh. Middle row (from left): R.Mugford, J.McPherson, D.Nicholls, D.Battersby, L.King, J.Gartlan, K.Gaden, R.Kerr, K.Stafford. Front row (from left): J.Pick, B.Fitzgerald, K.Woods, B.Horrigan, R.Langcake, K.Quigley, K.Ryan, W.Hogan, T.Burton.

Students at the Convent School, Mount Gambier
Students, both girls and boys, attending the Convent School in 1910. This image has been copied from another print.

Students at the Convent School, Mount Gambier
A group of high school students at the Mount Gambier Convent School. The student in the 2nd row, 3rd from left has been identified as Dympna Burchard.

Sports parade at Mount Gambier
Marist Brothers' College students marching around an oval at Mount Gambier.

Marist Brothers' College students
Members of the Marist Brothers' College YCS Group, pictured on the steps of a stone building. From left: R.Egan, P.Sullivan, B.Corcoran, P.Foale, R.Gard, G.Ryan, J.McDonald, Rev. Fr. W.Kelly, K.Duigan, B.Rogers, R.Richards, J.Spain, G.North, N.Woodfield.

Marist Brothers' College students
Marist Brothers' College 2nd Year Inter and L.C. Classes. Back row (from left): C.Staindl, K.Carlin, T.Gard, R.Gartner, L.McArthur, J.McDonald, B.Spain. Middle row (from left): N.Woodfield, A.Sullivan, P.Foale, B.Rogers, R.Richards, D.Chant, N.Loveday. Front row (from left): J.Spain, B.Corcoran, G.Ryan, K.Duigan, R.Egan, C.Spain, J.O'Connell.

Marist Brothers' College students
Marist Brothers' College Students, First Year group 1946. Back row: E. Kenny, T. Hay, R. Gard, R. Pannell, R, Moore, B. Clarke, B. Bishop. Middle row: P. Brookes, G. North, P. Tansey, R. Crowe, J. Hennessy, P. O'Brien, M. Fitzgerald, G. Husson. Front row: J. Gustus, M. Pretty, C. Carracher, John Plate, A. Lawson, T. Smyth, L. McNamara, K. Carracher, E. Considine.

Schoolboys' cricket match
Marist Brothers' College students playing cricket at Mount Gambier.

Schoolboy athletes with trophies
Three students from Marist Brother's Agricultural College at Mount Gambier displaying their athletics trophies. From left: B. Spain (junior), G. Ryan (senior), A. Spain (juvenile).

Marist Brothers' College cricket team
Moorak House athletic team at Marist Brothers' College. Back row (from left): B.Bishop, R. Gartner, R. Mugford, P. Chant, P. Gartner, J. McPherson, P. Brennan, M.Carroll, K. Stafford, P. McIntosh, B. Horrigan, B. Carracher, B. Hennessy. Middle row (from left): E. Kenny, P. Brookes, J. O'Connell, J. Spain, B. Rogers, G. Ryan (Capt.), J.Plate, A. Lawson, B. Corcoran, W. Constable. Front row (from left): R. Gard, P.Tansey, J. Hennessy, L. McArthur, J. McIntosh, T. Hay, T. Noonan.

Marist Brothers' College athlethics team
A Marist Brothers' College junior athletics team.

Marist Brothers' College students
A group of students from Marist Brothers' College, Mount Gambier.

Marist Brothers' College students
A group of students from Marist Brothers' College, Mount Gambier.

Marist Brothers' College debating team
Marist Brothers' College debating team. Standing (from left): J.Gustus, N.Loveday, D.Chant. Seated: L.McArthur (left), J.O'Connell.

Marist Brothers' College students
A group of junior students from Marist Brothers' College, Mount Gambier.

Marist Brothers' College students
A group of students from Marist Brothers' College, Mount Gambier.

Marist Brothers' College junior athletes
A group of young athletes, pictured with a trophy cup and shield, from Marist Brothers' College, Mount Gambier.

Class photograph
Class photograph of twenty four young girls at a Mount Gambier convent school. A researcher suggests that the class could be from Mater Christi College.

Students at Mount Gambier's Convent School
Junior grade baseball team at Mater Christi College, Mount Gambier.