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Larwood, Miss
Photograph of Miss Larwood in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Aircraftwoman LARWOOD, Jean Christina service number 96664. Born Yacka, 1914

James, E
Photograph of Mr E. James in army uniform.

Hay, M.P
Photograph of Mr M.P. Hay in army uniform. According to a reasearcher, this is Corporal HAY, Melville Phillips service number NX37891. Born Mount Gambier, 1906.

Krase, P.W
Photograph of Mr P.W. Krase in army uniform.

Edwards, M.A
Photograph of Mr M.A. Edwards in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Craftsman EDWARDS, Mervyn Ashmeade service number SX19357. Born Mount Gambier, 1918.

Appelhauf, M. R.
Photograph of Mr M.R. Appelhauf [?] in army uniform.

Brookster, A.A
Photograph of Mr A.A. Brookster in army uniform.

Sealey, T
Photograph of Miss T. Sealey in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Private SEALEY, Thelma Cameron service number VF508452. Born Mount Gambier, 1925.

Spoer, W.R
Photograph of W.R. Spoer in army uniform.

Hill, T.H
Photograph of T.H. Hill in army uniform.

Huddy, J.O
Photograph of Mr J.O. Huddy in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Sargeant HUDDY, James Oram service number SX20251. Born Quorn, 1913.

Les Hill
Photograph of Mr Les Hill in army uniform. After the war, he ran a newsagency business in Mount Gambier. He wrote several books on the history of Mount Gambier, and after his death, his large collection of photographs were left to the Mount Gambier Library. According to a researcher, this is Private HILL, Leslie Raymund service number SX17287. Born Mount Gambier, 1912.

Pride, O.A
Photograph of Mr and Mrs O.A. Pride. Mr Pride is in army uniform.

Papworth, Bob
Photograph of Bob Papworth in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Staff Sargeant PAPWORTH, Robert James service number SX10025. Born Mount Gambier, 1909.

Ashby, H
Photograph of H. Ashby in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Sargeant ASHBY, Herbert Hector service number SX10570. Born Mount Gambier, 1918.

Byrne, H.A
Photograph of H.A. Byrne in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Trooper BYRNE, Hugh Alexander service number SX32028. Born Glencoe East, 1917.

Brooksby, T
Photograph of T. Brooksby in army uniform.

Kemp, W.R
Photograph of W.R. Kemp in army uniform. According to a researcher, this is Private KEMP, William Richard service number SX20923. Born Mount Gambier, 1922.

Bob Cotton
Photograph of R.J. (Bob) Cotton in army uniform.

Little, G.N
Photograph of G.N. Little in army uniform.

Plunchett, M
Photograph of M. Plunchett in army uniform.

William Langford Laslett
Photograph of William Langford Laslett in army uniform. Service number: SX31533 (S5215), Lance Corporal.

Atwill, B
Photograph of B. Atwill in army uniform.

Stanley Patrick George Boyle
Photograph of Stanley Patrick George Boyle in army uniform. Service number: SX16547.

Walker, F
Photograph of F. Walker in army uniform.

Maddern, R.
Photograph of R. Maddern in army uniform.

Evelyn, L
Photograph of L. Evelyn in army uniform.

Olay, E
Photograph of E. Olay in army uniform.

John Neville Cox
Photograph of John Neville Cox in army uniform. Service number: SX22799 (S61029).

H. Rejmer
Photograph of Mr and Mrs Rejmer taken in the studio on their wedding day in 1949.