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James Family, Oodnadatta
Parents & children known as the 'James family' at Oodnadatta Mission.

Cooling off, Oodnadatta
Women cooling off at Oodnadatta Mission.

The "Lennon" Boys
The "Lennon" boys at Oodnadatta Mission.

Hilda Haynes & Her Father
Hilda Haynes & her father, Peter at Oodnadatta Mission.

Sheila Gilalie, Oodnadatta
Sheila Gilalie of Oodnadatta Mission.

Sheila Gilalie, Oodnadatta
Sheila Gilalie with parents on the day of her arrival at the Mission, Oodnadatta.

Children at Oodnadatta
Peter Tongerie and J. Wiley, friends at Oodnadatta Mission.

Picnic party cooling off
Oodnadatta Mission picnic party cooling off.

Emily Lester, Mission Worker
Emily Lester, member of the Mission staff.

Mission Workers, Oodnadatta
Mission workers Emily Lester and Maud (?) Abdulla with visitors Ilene Brumbie and Martha Easthen.

Bathing new born baby
Bathing Margaret Downs, a newly born baby at Oodnadatta Mission.

Classroom, Oodnadatta Mission
Classroom scene at Oodnadatta Mission; Clara Brady conducts an English Class.

Mission staff and children
Mission staff with a group of children at Oodnadatta; a picture taken the day before Mr.& Mrs.Wiley, who cared for the Mission, left.

Children and nurse
Children, Bill and Harry Gepp with their Nurse, Bobalinda; the family dog completes the picture.

OODNADATTA: Bobalinda, a children's nurse.

Mule cart, Oodnadatta
A mule cart Bringing in wood at Oodnadatta.

Ooldea Mission
Women washing children's clothes in tin tubs at Ooldea Mission.

Ooldea Mission
Group of young people with Mrs. Wiley at Ooldea Mission.

Children at Ooldea Mission
Children at Ooldea Mission.

Children at Ooldea Mission
Children at Ooldea Mission.

Ooldea Mission
A new house constructed of tin nearing completion at Ooldea Mission.

Mission's vegetable garden
Ooldea Mission's vegetable garden.

Two mission girls, Ooldea
Two girls at Ooldea Mission holding their dolls.

Girls at Ooldea Mission
Girls at Ooldea Mission holding their dolls.

Mothers and babies, Ooldea
Mothers and babies at Ooldea Mission.

Washing day at the Mission
Washing day at the Mission, Ooldea.

Ooldea Mission Scene
Ooldea Mission scene.

Ooldea Mission
Ooldea Mission scene.

Police Officers, Pine Creek
Back Row: l-r Delta, Koolmutchki, Urinditbah, ? (houseboy), ? (Tracker), ? (houseboy): Middle: l-r: M.C. W.F. Johns, Mrs. Miller, M.C. W.E. Miller, M.C. Reid: Front: l-r ? (Tracker, ?, Norah (Koolmutchki's wife), ?

Point McLeay Mission Station
[General description] Landscape view shows glimpses of Mission buildings (including the Church on the left) behind a hedge and garden. On the right windmill can be seen. [On back of photograph] 'Point McLeay Mission Station / Before 1927'.