Find • Aboriginal • Results 1,651 to 1,680 of 4,076

Retrieving timber from Cape Stewart
"A party of Aboriginals out in the bush at Cape Stewart getting cypress logs for the Miligimbi sawmill 1930s".

Aboriginal men with spears, some in body paint, possibly during a ceremony.

Dedication of the Milingimbi dispensary
"Dedication of dispensary, 1930s." This small building was erected by the Milingimbi Community. Ella Shepherdson worked here for many years, treating sundry ailments and sometimes serious diseases and injuries. The building was opened by Rev T.T. Webb (standing in the centre), assisted by Andrew, the leading Aboriginal interpreter. The new dispensary replaced the previous, delapidated building in their old camp area. During the Second World War the dispensary building along with the Church, were bombed and razed to the ground during attacks on Milingimbi by Japanese forces.

Camp near the beach, Milingimbi
"Typical Aboriginal camp, 1930s."

Children from the Croker Island Methodist Mission visiting Darwin
"A party of part Aboriginals in Darwin, 1930s". The Misison for "Part Aborignals" was Croker Island.

Ploughing at Milingimbi
"Ploughing at Milingimbi. McSweeney and helper 1930s".

Harold and Ella Shepherdson planting a tree
"Planting a tree on the occasion when we left Elcho Island at one of [our] Aboriginal friends garden"

Badanga carrying a cross
"Badanga taking a cross from Elcho Island to Milingimbi to place on his brother's grave. 1946"

Dedication party for the mission boat 'Lampan'
"Party at the dedication of the new mission boat, the Larrpan, Brisbane, 1940". The Larrpan was named after a comet form Aboriginal Australian astronomy.

Sunday School children watching a didgeridoo performance
"Party of Sunday School children watching my Aboriginal friends play the digeridoo in Brisbane. We were waiting for our boat to be ready to sail to Milingimbi 194?"

Rosie and a child
"Rosie with white staff child"

Elcho Island Church and congregation
"Church built by our Aboriginal carpenter at Elcho and the Congregation".

Transporting timber into Milingimbi
"Aboriginal driver brining a load of poles, Milingimbi 1930"

Blue groper fish, speared by hand
A man sitting on the beach next to his catch, a Blue Groper fish, speared by hand.

Fishing in a creek
Group fishing at a creek, possibly at Milingimbi, Northern Territory.

Catching fish in a waterhole
"Catching small fish in a waterhole on the plain behind the mission at Milingimbi. They make a loom of grass and gradually pushing it in to end of water hole catching the fish as they go, 1930s".

Dance at Milingimbi
"A dance in progress at Milingimbi 1930s (open)"

Woman in ceremonial paint
"A woman with the painting for some special reason very unusual".

Camp in Arnhem Land
"Aboriginal camp in Arnhem Land". The 'Balanda' (white person) is unidentified.

Miyami with design painted on his body
"Miami, my wife's houseboy, with the painting of a certain [design] on his body". Possibly 'Miyami'.

Makarrata, friend-making ceremony
"A makarrata in progress, friend making ceremony"

Two headman dressed for a corroboree
Two of our headmen ready for a corroboree

Woman and child
"Showing a typical ulcer (yaws) on the child. These ulcer were prevalent in the early days caused by malnutrition. My wife treated these ulcers successfully". Baŋguyŋa, Djarrtjarrminybuy's older sister.

Tree with markings
"A tree marking the number of people an Aboriginal had killed over the year".

Man in ceremonial paint, standing by a tree
"A typical Aboriginal stand".

Woolen River, Northern Territory
"The tide running out over a rock bar on the Woolen River. During the war, my wife stayed in this area for a time with her Aboriginal friends".

Preparing cycad nuts, Milingimbi
"Treating the cycad nuts ready for eating at the Macassar Well".

Two men posing with a sting-ray caught while fishing
"Hunters with their catch of a sting ray".

Bark tents at a camp near Milingimbi
"An Aboriginal camp of bark".

Housing at Milingimbi
"The small houses built for the Aboriginals at Milingimbi and were much appreciated".