Mountford, Charles P., 1936, Photograph, PRG 1218/34/587P
Rock markings, The Granites, N.T. This image was taken during a University of Adelaide expedition.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1935, Photograph, PRG 933/23/3
"At the pedal radio, we contacted Cloncurry 700 miles away on Morse Code 1930s - had good results". Harold Sheppherdson at the pedal radio he built. The Yolŋu term for morse code is 'tap tap'.
Shepherdson, Harold, 1927, Photograph, PRG 933/23/4
"H.U.S. in Darwin 1927". Harold Shepherdson at the Mission House.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1935, Photograph, PRG 933/23/5
Missionaries at the first Synod meeting at Yirrkala.
Shepherdson, Harold, 1937, Photograph, PRG 933/23/6
Family at the mission house at Yirrkala, 1936. Left to right: Harold Shepherdson, George Goldsmith, Theodore Webb, Len Kentish, Wilbur Chaseling, and Gordon Sweeney.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1935, Photograph, PRG 933/23/7
Rev. T.T. Webb by a tree. Reverend Webb was superintendent from 1926 to 1939.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1935, Photograph, PRG 933/23/8
"Paula and his wife Nancy (Fijian missionaries) Seru". Paula Seru and his wife Nancy arrived at Milingimbi on 16 February 1929. Arriving with them were two other Fijian missionaries, Ilaija and his wife Meri. None spoke English. Both men were teachers. They left at the end of 1936.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1935, Photograph, PRG 933/23/9
Group of missionaries. On the right are Jess and George.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1935, Photograph, PRG 933/23/10
"Fijian Missionary with cassava from the Mission garden".
Shepherdson, Harold, 1936, Photograph, PRG 933/23/14
"Pineapple garden at Groote Is. 1936".
Shepherdson, Harold, 1935, Photograph, PRG 933/23/28
"A scene of the coastline at Yirrkala, 1935". Or possibly Elcho Island coastline, 1945.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1927, Photograph, PRG 933/23/35
Methodist Mission house at Darwin.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1927, Photograph, PRG 933/23/36
"The Methodist Mission Church, Darwin, Rev Jarvis Standing in front".
Shepherdson, Harold, 1934, Photograph, PRG 933/23/42
Dr C. Fenton's plane, Spray Moth. Dr Fenton landed at Milingimbi in 1934.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1935, Photograph, PRG 933/23/51
"The Fijian family at Milingimbi - Paula and Nancy Seru (Fijian missionaries) with their children, 1930s."
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1935, Photograph, PRG 933/23/89
"Mission staff having some fun, 1930s." Male mission staff dressed in costumes.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1935, Photograph, PRG 933/23/90
"Not very tropical dress but mosquitos very bad, 1929". Mission staff and families in dresses and hats, on the beach. Possibly at Milingimbi.
Shepherdson, Harold, 1929, Photograph, PRG 933/23/91
"Our house with Ella sitting in chair, 1929". Ella Shepherdson reading a book on the verandah of her home in Milingimbi.
Shepherdson, Harold, 1927, Photograph, PRG 933/23/151
A meeting of church women in Darwin 1927.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1932, Photograph, PRG 933/13/4
"The new mission house in Darwin". The Mission House later relocated to Rapid Creek in Darwin.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1937, Photograph, PRG 933/13/5
"Somewhere in our travels, can't remember where". Possibly near Newcastle Waters, Northern Territory.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1937, Photograph, PRG 933/13/6
"Picnic in South Australia during a furlough late 1930s".
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1937, Photograph, PRG 933/13/7
"Mount Bold spillway, South Australia".
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1937, Photograph, PRG 933/13/10
"Billabong in the Arafura area opposite Milingimbi, late 1930s"
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1935, Photograph, PRG 933/13/11
"Pipeline form Macassar Well to the garden, Milingimbi, mid 1930s". The Makassan Well pipeline was built in 1934 and the pipes and tank were left over from the Elcho Island Naptha Petroleum Company.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1935, Photograph, PRG 933/13/12
"The church and garden Darwin. Rev Shelton, his wife and my wife". Harold Urquhart Shepherdson married Ella (Isabella) Gray on 8 October 1927. They both volunterred to become lay missionaries with the Methodist Overseas Mission.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1932, Photograph, PRG 933/13/13
"The Macassar Well, Milingimbi, early 1930s". The Makassan Well pipeline was built in 1934 and the pipes and tank were left over from the Elcho Island Naptha Petroleum Company.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1935, Photograph, PRG 933/13/14
"My parents and 2 brothers at Milingimbi mid 1930s. Allan, Alister, Mother, Father (one visit)".
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1935, Photograph, PRG 933/13/17
"Somewhere in Arnhem Land 1930s". Landscape view of a river in Arnhem Land.
Shepherdson, Harold, c. 1936, Photograph, PRG 933/13/19
"My brother and wife at Wudinna, South Australia". The Shepherdsons visited their family while on furlough.