Find • A D Edwardes Collection. • Results 241 to 270 of 4,823

'Eugene Schneider' steel barque
'Eugene Schneider' steel barque 2218 tons [steel 3 mast barque, 2314 gross, 1742 net tons, later 2218 gross and 2039 net tons. 277.3 x 40.3 x 22.7. Built 1902 Const. Nantais de Const. Maritime, Nantes. Owners: Cie de Nav. Francaise, registered Nantes, later Soc. Nouvelle d'Armement, registered Nantes. Sunk in a collision in the English Channel, Dec. 25, 1926]

The 'Windsor Castle' at Sydney, NSW
The wooden ship 'Windsor Castle', 979 tons, in Sydney Cove looking west towards the Rocks. The Commissariat store (the large u-shaped sandstone building) is on the right.

The 'Allanshaw' in an unidentified port
The iron ship 'Allanshaw', 1589 tons, in an unidentified port. [ iron ship, 1674t. ON71665, 262.8 x 40.2 x 23.0. Built 1874 (8) W. Simons and Co. Renfrew, Owners: L. Potter and Co. reg. Glasgow: c. 1880. Jas. Nourse. Wrecked 23 March 1893 on Tristan d'Acunha. When wrecked was on a voyage from Liverpool to Calcutta with salt. Said to have made some very fast passages to Australia in the ownership of Potter. 'Coolie Ships and Oil Sailors' by Basil Lubbock, gives some detail.]

The 'Cromdale' under sail
The steel ship 'Cromdale', 1903 tons, under sail. One of the loveliest of the steel ships with double topgallant sails and main skysails. [steel ship 1903 tons. ON98561, 271.6 x 40.1 x 23.4. Built 1891 (6) Barclay, Curle and Co. Glasgow. Owners D Rose and Co. Registered Aberdeen. Wrecked in 1913, Bass Point, near the Lizard southern England. Said to be the last sailing ship built for the Australian wook trade].

The 'Invertrossachs' at anchor
The four masted steel barque 'Invertrossachs', 2710 tons, at anchor [steel 4 mast barque, 2710 tons. ON99206, 305.0 x 43.2 x 25.3. Built 1891 (11) Russell and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners: D Bruce and Co. registered Dundee. Abandoned at sea in February 1892. Abandoned on fire in the North Atlantic 7 March 1892 while on a voyage from Philadelphia toward Calcutta with cased petroleum].

The 'Vincennes' under sail entering the Golden Gate
The French steel barque 'Vincennes', 2311 tons, under sail entering the Golden Gate. A typical French steel barque that loaded grain cargoes at Australian ports. France continued to build sailing ships long after most British shipbuilders had turned to steam construction [steel 3 mast barque, 2311 gross, 1740 net tons, later 2210 gross 1964 net tons. 277.7 x 40.3 x 22.5. Built 1900 Chant. Nantais de Construction Maritime. Nantes. Owners: Soc. Annoyme des Longs Courriers Francais, Nantes, later Soc. General d'Armement. Broken up 1926. The view taken when the vessel was stranded on Manley Beach, Sydney].

The 'Lonsdale' in an unidentified port
The steel ship 'Lonsdale', 1756 tons, in an unidentified port [steel ship, 1756 tons, ON96382. 266.6 x 39.4 x 23.2. Built 1889 (11) CJ Bigger, Londonderry. Owners: P Iredale and Porter, registered Liverpool. (Note from Ron Parsons: "In the Dale Line fleet there is a photo of this ship but I find no evidence that it was ever the property of JD Newton who died in 1889 and his fleet was sold).

The 'Ainsdale' at Port Chalmers
The steel ship 'Ainsdale', 1825 tons, at Port Chalmers. [S. Ship, 1825t. ON97819, 270.0 x 39.8 x 23.4, B. 1890 (10) CJ Bigger, Londonderry, Ireland & Porter, reg. Liverpool Lt Alby Union Carbide Factories Ltd. c.1923/4 became the German screw steamship 'Bollan' reg. Hamburg. Fate unknown. Ref 5 Vol 2 = torpedoed on Feb 15, 1916 but was later towed into port and repaired and engine then added. Also further experience with torpedoes in April 1918. (In Section 4, of Volume 9 is a photograph of this ship but I find no evidence that she was ever owned by JD Newton, as the ship was built after his death and the company did not survive the owner) Volume 9, with the 'Lobo' in Port Adelaide and at Port Chalmers in New Zealand)].

The 'Camperdown' moored at Gravesend, U.K.
The iron ship 'Camperdown', 1487 tons, moored at Gravesend, U.K. [iron ship, 1575 tons, ON72548, 245.9 x 38.3 x 23.0. Built 1875 (4) A. Stephen and Sons, Dundee. Owners David Bruce and Co. Registered Dundee. Missing since August 1891].

The 'Alcinous'
The iron ship 'Alcinous', 1653 tons, anchored in a port believed to be on the west coast of USA, possibly San Francisco. [I ship, 1653t, ON81836, 259.0 x 38.2 x 23.3, B.1882 (7) Barclay, Curle & Co. Glasgow. Owners: A & JH Carmichael & Co. reg. Greenock. Missing on a voyage from Lobos d'Afuera to Antwerp in 1905. ].

The 'Thessalus' at Port Adelaide
The iron ship 'Thessalus', 1865 tons, at Port Adelaide. It is one of series taken by F. Wear in December 1898. See Macgregor, D.R., 1984. "Merchant Sailing Ships: 1850-1875", p.141. [iron ship, 1865 tons, ON67941, 269.0 x 41.2 x 23.7. Built 1874 (7) Barclay, Curle and Co. Glasgow. Owners: A&JH Carmichael and Co. Registered Greenock. Sold c.1900 to Swedish owners without change of name].

The 'Arethusa' anchored in an undentified port
The steel barque 'Arethusa', 1279 tons, anchored in an unidentified port. [steel barque 1279 tons. ON98314, 231.0 x 36.1 x 20.5. Built 1891 (11) A. McMillan and Sons. Ltd. Owners Arethusa Ship Co. Ltd. (The managers varied: originally they were JD Macfarlane and Co. then JD Clink and later Buchanan) registered Greenock. Sunk April 23 1917 when stopped by a German submarine and scuttled by bombs.]

The 'Fiery Cross' moored in an unidentified port
The iron barque 'Fiery Cross', 1456 tons, moored in an unidentified port [iron ship , later re-rigged as a 3 mast barque, 1456 gross tons. ON78647. 243.6 x 37.0 x 21.9. Built 1878 (9) C Connell and Co. Glasgow. Owners JD Clink, registered Glasgow. Sold to Norway without change of name].

The 'Zinita' after being stranded on the shore
The steel barque 'Zinita', 1633 tons, after being stranded on the shore. The 'Zinita' was a three masted steel barque of 1633 tons gross, built in 1894 by Charles Connell & Co., Glasgow. On 10/11/1896 whilst travelling from Nagasaki to Portland, Oregon, she went ashore five miles north of Gray's Harbour, Washington State, USA. She was refloated on 20/11/1896 almost undamaged. Master James Fraser, Aberdeen. [Information supplied by G. Fraser Morrison] ['Zinita' Norwegian barque, renamed the 'Sorknes'] [steel barque, 1633 tons, ON102384, 251.2 x 38.1 x 21.6. Built 1894 (1) C Connell and Co., Glasgow. Owners: JD Clink, registered Greenock (later Clink formed Zinita Ship Co. Ltd.) Sold c.1910 and became Norwegian 'Sorknes'].

The 'Zinita' after being stranded on the shore
The steel barque 'Zinita', 1633 tons, after being stranded on the shore. [The 'Zinita' was a three masted steel barque of 1633 tons gross, built in 1894 by Charles Connell & Co., Glasgow. On 10/11/1896 whilst travelling from Nagasaki to Portland, Oregon, she went ashore five miles north of Gray's Harbour, Washington State, USA. She was refloated on 20/11/1896 almost undamaged. Master James Fraser, Aberdeen. [Information supplied by G. Fraser Morrison] ['Zinita' Norwegian barque, renamed the 'Sorknes'] [steel barque, 1633 tons, ON102384, 251.2 x 38.1 x 21.6. Built 1894 (1) C Connell and Co., Glasgow. Owners: JD Clink, registered Greenock (later Clink formed Zinita Ship Co. Ltd.) Sold c.1910 and became Norwegian 'Sorknes'].

The 'Pinmore' at Melbourne
The four masted steel barque 'Pinmore', 2431 tons, at Melbourne [steel 4 mast ship, later reduced to a 4 mast barque. 2431 tons, ON81840. 310.1 x 43.7 x 24.7. Built 1882 (10) J Reid and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners: J Kerr and Co. registered Greenock, later JD Clink, and finally A Mackay and Co., Sunk by bombs after capture by German raider 'Seeadler' (Von Luckner) in South Atlantic Feb. 19, 1917 (Von Luckner sailed the ship into Rio, under the British flag, purchased stores and returned to his own ship before scuttling 'Pinmore').

The 'Pinmore' anchored in an unidentified port
The four masted steel barque 'Pinmore', 2431 tons, anchored in an unidentified port [steel 4 mast ship, later reduced to a 4 mast barque. 2431 tons, ON81840. 310.1 x 43.7 x 24.7. Built 1882 (10) J Reid and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners: J Kerr and Co. registered Greenock, later JD Clink, and finally A Mackay and Co., Sunk by bombs after capture by German raider 'Seeadler' (Von Luckner) in South Atlantic Feb. 19, 1917 (Von Luckner sailed the ship into Rio, under the British flag, purchased stores and returned to his own ship before scuttling 'Pinmore').

The 'Rowena' in an unidentified port
The four masted iron barque 'Rowena', 1979 tons, in an unidentified port [iron 4 mast barque, 1979 tons, ON89500, 276.5 x 41.2 x 24.0. Built 1883 (11) Barclay, Curle and Co. Glasgow as the iron 4 mast ship 'Cluny Castle' for D Currie and Co., registered London, 1986 tons, sold and renamed c. 1890 owners Rowena Ship Co. (Ferguson and Letham) registered Greenock. c.1897 J&J Rae and Co., 1901 R Ferguson and Co., 1905 W Thomas and Co. (County Shipping Co. Ltd.) later owned in Finland. Converted into a hulk at Port Adelaide in 1922].

The 'Rowena' at anchor
The four masted iron barque 'Rowena', 1979 tons, at anchor [iron 4 mast barque, 1979 tons, ON89500, 276.5 x 41.2 x 24.0. Built 1883 (11) Barclay, Curle and Co. Glasgow as the iron 4 mast ship 'Cluny Castle' for D Currie and Co., registered London, 1986 tons, sold and renamed c. 1890 owners Rowena Ship Co. (Ferguson and Letham) registered Greenock. c.1897 J&J Rae and Co., 1901 R Ferguson and Co., 1905 W Thomas and Co. (County Shipping Co. Ltd.) later owned in Finland. Converted into a hulk at Port Adelaide in 1922].

The 'Fairport' dismasted at Port Adelaide
The steel ship 'Fairport', 1996 tons, dismasted at Port Adelaide. The steel ship 'Fairport', 1996 tons, at anchor [steel ship, 1996 tons. ON105381, 265.9 x 40.0 x 23.5. Built 1896 (4) Russell and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners: D Corsar and Sons, registered Liverpool c.1910 to Norwegian owners and renamed 'Spangareid'. In 1920 took fire in a cargo of coal and sank at St. Helena].

The 'Dartford' under sail
The iron barque 'Dartford', 1327 tons, under sail [iron ship, later barque, 1327 tons. ON76975, 221.5 x 36.0 x 21.9. Built 1877 (3) Mounsey and Foster, Sunderland. Owners JT Morton registered London, later G Traill and Sons, registered London, then D Corsar and Sons. 1908 Union SS Co. of NZ Ltd. Registered Wellington, hulked 1914. Refitted in 1917 and again reduced to a hulk after WW1 in August 1921. After years as a hulk the remains were abandoned on Rangitoto Island in July 1946. History of USS Co. Vol. 2. Arbon, 1974. Ref. 5 Vol. 2. Union Fleet, Farquhar].

The 'Dartford' moored in an unidentified port
The iron barque 'Dartford', 1327 tons, moored in an unidentified port [iron ship, later barque, 1327 tons. ON76975, 221.5 x 36.0 x 21.9. Built 1877 (3) Mounsey and Foster, Sunderland. Owners JT Morton registered London, later G Traill and Sons, registered London, then D Corsar and Sons. 1908 Union SS Co. of NZ Ltd. Registered Wellington, hulked 1914. Refitted in 1917 and again reduced to a hulk after WW1 in August 1921. After years as a hulk the remains were abandoned on Rangitoto Island in July 1946. History of USS Co. Vol. 2. Arbon, 1974. Ref. 5 Vol. 2. Union Fleet, Farquhar].

The 'Monkbarns' under sail
The steel ship 'Monkbarns', 1911 tons, under sail [steel ship, 1911 tons, ON105321. 267.0 x 40.1 x 23.6. Built 1895 (7) A McMillan and Sons Ltd., Dumbarton. Owners: D Corsar and Sons. Registered Liverpool, J Stewart and Co. Broken up in 1926].

The 'Persian' in an unidentified port
The iron ship 'Persian', 1452 tons, in an unidentified port [iron ship, 1452 tons, ON77115, 244.8 x 37.2 x 22.5. Built 1878 (5) Scott and Co. Greenock. Owners: W Orr, registered London, later JD Clink, (D Mackay, manager) early 1890s A Mackay and Co., registered London. Became the Norwegian 'Mafalda'].

The 'Corunna' anchored in an unidentified port
The four masted steel barque 'Corunna', 2432 tons, anchored in an unidentified port. [steel 4 mast barque, 2432 tons, ON102633, 293.0 x 43.0 x 12.2. Built 1893 (10) D&W Henderson and Co. Glasgow. Owners Corunna Sailing Ship Co. (J Hardie and Co) registered Glasgow. Stranded August 30, 1904, near Miramar, South America and abandoned. Subsequently salvaged and taken to Monte Video and converted into a hulk. During WW1 was refitted and sent to sea under the name La Epoca and was torpedoed by a German submarine October 29, 1917.]

The 'Corunna' docked in an unidentified port
The four masted steel barque 'Corunna', 2432 tons, docked in an unidentified port. [steel 4 mast barque, 2432 tons, ON102633, 293.0 x 43.0 x 12.2. Built 1893 (10) D&W Henderson and Co. Glasgow. Owners Corunna Sailing Ship Co. (J Hardie and Co) registered Glasgow. Stranded August 30, 1904, near Miramar, South America and abandoned. Subsequently salvaged and taken to Monte Video and converted into a hulk. During WW1 was refitted and sent to sea under the name La Epoca and was torpedoed by a German submarine October 29, 1917.]

The 'Fairport' at anchor
The steel ship 'Fairport', 1996 tons, at anchor [steel ship, 1996 tons. ON105381, 265.9 x 40.0 x 23.5. Built 1896 (4) Russell and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners: D Corsar and Sons, registered Liverpool c.1910 to Norwegian owners and renamed 'Spangareid'. In 1920 took fire in a cargo of coal and sank at St. Helena]. According to a researcher, the ship off Port Adelaide should be dated ca. 1898.

The 'Fairport' dismasted at Port Adelaide
The steel ship 'Fairport', 1996 tons, dismasted at Port Adelaide. The steel ship 'Fairport', 1996 tons, at anchor [steel ship, 1996 tons. ON105381, 265.9 x 40.0 x 23.5. Built 1896 (4) Russell and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners: D Corsar and Sons, registered Liverpool c.1910 to Norwegian owners and renamed 'Spangareid'. In 1920 took fire in a cargo of coal and sank at St. Helena].

The 'Fairport' dismasted at Port Adelaide
The steel ship 'Fairport', 1996 tons, dismasted at Port Adelaide. The steel ship 'Fairport', 1996 tons, at anchor [steel ship, 1996 tons. ON105381, 265.9 x 40.0 x 23.5. Built 1896 (4) Russell and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners: D Corsar and Sons, registered Liverpool c.1910 to Norwegian owners and renamed 'Spangareid'. In 1920 took fire in a cargo of coal and sank at St. Helena].

The 'Monkbarns' at Port Adelaide
The steel ship 'Monkbarns', 1911 tons, at Port Adelaide [steel ship, 1911 tons, ON105321. 267.0 x 40.1 x 23.6. Built 1895 (7) A McMillan and Sons Ltd., Dumbarton. Owners: D Corsar and Sons. Registered Liverpool, J Stewart and Co. Broken up in 1926].