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Hindley Street, Adelaide

Hindley Street, Adelaide

[General description] Hindley Street is lined with retail shops and business premises. Traffic is a mix of horse-drawn and motor with pedestrians walking on the road. One man (on the left) has ridden a horse into town. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 77,78 / Hindley Street, south side, looking west from King William Street / 1920-22' (Another hand) 'The white structure with cupolas and tall electric light standards is the "Wondergraph" (later Civic) Theatre. For view of the Civic Theatre prior to its partial demolition in 1956, see B 13642.'

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

[General description] Adelaide's neoclassical architecture dominates in this busy street scene. King William Street is lined with parked cars, trams move down the centre of the road and a policeman directs traffic. In the centre foreground an electric tram pole radiates wires like a web over the King William / Grenfell Street intersection. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 78, 109 / King William Street, west side, looking north from Grenfell Street / c. 1921'.

Adelaide plan.

Adelaide plan.

Plan no. 18 of a set of fire insurance maps surveyed and drawn 1911-1914. This plan maps a portion of the City of Adelaide, South Australia showing land use including building usage, some street numbers and business names within the area of Currie Street, Topham Street, Waymouth Street, King William Street.

Volunteer Defence Corps in S.A.: instruction in grouping

Volunteer Defence Corps in S.A.: instruction in grouping

'Instruction in grouping' at the Port [Adelaide] ranges, 20 September 1942.

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

[General description] City buildings provide a backdrop for this busy street scene with a large number of trams queued into the distance. Pedestrians wander across the road amongst traffic. The balcony on the left is probably that of the Southern Cross Hotel. [On back of photograph] 'King William Street, west side looking south from a point near Rundle St. / c. 1920'.

North Terrace, Adelaide, looking West

North Terrace, Adelaide, looking West

[General description] A lady in full Edwardian dress trips across the North Terrace- King William Street intersection. Houses of Parliament are on the right, hotels on the left and traffic is still mostly horse-drawn; only one car in sight. Horse cabs are standing in the centre of the road waiting for business, framed by utility wires which cross the intersection of North Terrace and King William Street. The three storey building with verandahs on the left is the iconic South Australian Hotel. [On back of photograph] 'North Terrace, looking west from King William Street. / c. 1908'.

Flinders and Baudin memorial

Flinders and Baudin memorial

Ceremony unveiling a memorial to the meeting of Matthew Flinders and Nicolas Baudin in 1802, on the summit of the Bluff, Encounter Bay, by the Governor, Lord Tennyson.

St. Kilda mangrove trail

St. Kilda mangrove trail

ST. KILDA: An information hut containing exhibits on the mangrove trail at St. Kilda, South Australia.

Bedford SB transit bus brochure

Bedford SB transit bus brochure

Product brochure on 'The new big Bedford model S.B. transit bus', including information, illustrations, features, and specifications. The SB bus was engineered and built by GMH for Australian conditions, and was available as a single door 33 passenger bus or a double door 31 passenger bus.

An elderly couple standing beside an aeroplane

An elderly couple standing beside an aeroplane

An elderly man and woman standing beside an aeroplane; names not known. [According to a researcher, this is an elderly Mrs Schell who had a flight at Waikerie with Capt. Horrie Miller in a DH6 machine, circa May 1920].

Grave of C. F. Wells

Grave of C. F. Wells

Grave of Charles Frederick Wells and George Lindsay Jones at the North Road Cemetery who perished in the exploration of the North West of Australia in 1896. The monument was erected by the Royal National Geographic Society of Victoria . The two men perished in the desert in 1896 during the Calvert Expedition.

Charles Sturt's grave

Charles Sturt's grave

Charles Sturt's grave, Presbbury, near Cheltenham, England; spring flowers are blooming profusely in the grassed area.

Three men sitting on a track inspection car

Three men sitting on a track inspection car

Three men sitting on a track inspection car with a warning flag attached travelling on the Trans-Australian Railway.

'Oscar Robinson' washed ashore in Hardwicke Bay

'Oscar Robinson' washed ashore in Hardwicke Bay

The ketch 'Oscar Robinson' washed ashore in Hardwicke Bay, Yorke's Peninsula, South Australia, on 8 August 1920.

Trinity Church, North Terrace

Trinity Church, North Terrace

Building in the grounds of Holy Trinity Church, North Terrace. A map on the back of the photograph shows that this building is found in the south east corner of the Holy Trinity Church grounds. It appears to be a lean- to structure built against the wall backing onto a property in Hindley Street.

Mr George Bates

Mr George Bates

George Bates, pioneer resident of Kangaroo Island was a sealer and trader. He was born in Cheapside, London. He reached Hobart Town as crew on the 'Commodore Hayes". He later joined a sealing vessel and absconded when they were moored off Kangaroo Island. Aboriginal women from the mainland showed the renegrades seal, kangaroo and wallaby skinning mthods so they were able to trade with passing ships. He told passing captains of his glimpses of Lake Alexandrina thus contributing to the growing interest of settlement in South Australia. He was honoured as an "Old Colonist" and later died in the Destitute Asylum in 1895.

Synagogue Place, Adelaide

Synagogue Place, Adelaide

[General description] Adelaide synagogue with cars parked in the street. This building is soon to be extensively remodelled in the Art Deco style. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 37 / Synagogue Place, west side / The Synagogue / July 27, 1938 / For alterations made in 1939 see B 9544 / The far side of the Synagogue (in the centre) is 16.5 yards north of Rundle Street / Frontage of the building is 18 yards'.

Theatre, Kadina

Theatre, Kadina

Workers during the construction of the Picture Theatre.

Mt Barker Convalescent Home

Mt Barker Convalescent Home

Mount Barker Convalescent Home.

Mr Bell's house

Mr Bell's house

On back of photo is the word 'Bates?' but this is the cottage at Middle Beach where the Australian Ornithological Union party stayed. The unoccupied house was placed at the group's disposal by Mr B.H. Bell, sheep farmer. [Same as B 57823/12].



Grocers cart owned by Kennett Bros. loaded for deliveries.



Grocers cart owned by Kennett Bros.



A view of the shop interior of Kennett Bros, Grocers, Ironmongers, etc.

M.A. Paterson

M.A. Paterson

Formal portrait of Maxwell Alan Paterson wearing the regalia of the Masonic Lodge. He was lodge master of the Parkside Lodge in 1951.



Workers at site of proposed picture theatre.

Church ruins in South Australia

Church ruins in South Australia

Partial view of church ruins in South Australia, possibly caused by fire; name and exact location not known.

Bridge, Kapunda

Bridge, Kapunda

Bridge over the River Light.