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Photographs from the First World War
Photographs from the First World War, 1914-1918, donated by members of the South Australian RSL. See special list for details. Selected images have been digitised. To view digitised images, do an archival number search on SRG 435/1.

Egypt during World War I
Records of the Reverend Arthur M. Trengove comprising quarter plate size lantern slides of soldiers, horses and scenery in Port Said, Rafah, Kantara and Cairo in Egypt during his time in World War 1. 98 items. See CONTENTS for more information and details.

World War I medals
Three medals awarded to Adelburt Oswald Thiele for his service in World War I, mounted on cardboard. The medals are the 1914-1915 Star (inscribed on back: '123 Spr. O.A. Thiele. 1/D Sig.Coy. A.I.F.'); the British War Medal 1914-20; and the Victory Medal.

Farewell parade of the first contingent of South Australian soldiers for the First World War
Parade of the first contingent of South Australian soldiers for the First Expeditionary Force, World War One, North Terrace Adelaide, consisting of mounted men, infantry, ammunition wagons, transport wagons and ambulance wagons.

World War 1 era campaign button badges
73 World War 1 era badges (also known as campaign buttons or 'tinnies') collected by Alan David and Winifred Smith Greenlees, when they were living in Broken Hill. Most badges were designed and created to be purchased as a fundraising interest, in order to raise money for various factions of the Red Cross, and most were manufactured by Alfred E.S. Stokes in Australia 'Manufacturer of Photographic reproduction, coloured Patriotic, Carnival, Campaign Buttons, etc. 228 Pitt Street, Sydney'. Several of this group of items were designed for other charity groups such as the Returned Services League (RSL), the Florence Nightingale Fund, the Army Nurses Day, the Civilian TB & Cancer Fund, the Navy Day, the Wattle League, the Lord Mayor's Japanese Relief Fund and other ventures.

Ker Family World War One photographs
Photographs of the Ker Family relating to the First World War. See below for details and to view images.

World War One items of Philip Pittaway
Items from the First World War relating to Philip George Pittaway comprising: portrait of Philip Pittaway in uniform, four postcards from Philip Pittaway sent while on active service in Egypt and France to his sister Edith Reid of Balaklava, and the 1914-15 Star campaign medal awarded to Private P.G. Pittaway. See below for details.

British war medal awarded to Ernest Arthur Frost, Third Australian Light Horse
Digital copy of the British War Medal received by Ernest Arthur Frost for active service with the Third Light Horse during World War I.

Correspondence from Ross to his mother while on active service during World War I
Correspondence from Ross to his mother, Jessie Smith 3/12/1914 - 15/3/1919, during his time spent in active service during World War I.

World War One photographs
Photographs of an unknown Australian soldier of his active service during the First World War, including: men participating in sports and games on board the S.S. Ascanius, the 'Ascanius' in harbour at Durban and Cape Town, buildings in Durban and Cape Town, buildings and sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, and Light Horse troops training in Australia. Selected photographs have been digitised. See below for details.

16th Reinforcements, 10th Battalion, World War I.
A large formal group of South Australian soldiers trained as the 16th Reinforcements for the 10th Battalion during World War I, at Mitcham army camp. Two civilian women sit in the front row where colours are spread out behind a small drum. The commanding officer of the 10th Battalion, 16th Reinforcements was Lieutenant Rufus Phillip Ford, with other officers Eric Charles Harvey, James Bichan McLean and John Gladstone Sinclair.

Wartime photographs by Keith Smith
Photographs collected by Keith Smith taken during his war service in England as a gunnery instructor with No. 75 Squadron of the Royal Flying Corps.

Women naval officers during the 1914-1918 World War
A small group of women naval officers marching during an inspection by three seniors and a male army officer during the World War, 1914-1918, names and location unknown; the personnel were possibly from the WRNS College at Ashurst near the Crystal Palace, London.

Portrait of a World War One soldier and his mother
Copy of a portrait of an Australian soldier in World War One uniform with his mother. Thought to be Amelia (Caroline Amelia Burford, nee Goodes) with her youngest son William Claude Burford.

Framed collection of World War I badges
A collection of 477 war buttons and regimental badges collected and arranged by members of the Symon family, framed behind glass and with a metal plate on the bottom of the frame inscribed: "Presented by Lieutenant Commander Oliver Symon in memory of Sir Josiah Symon, KCMG, KC" [his father]. The buttons and Armed Forces badges were issued to raise funds from non-government sources, such as badge days for the Cheer Up Society, Australian Comforts Fund and Australia Day, during World War I. The framed collection was hung in the Upper Sturt Hall near the Symon residence "Manoah" and later came to the Mount Lofty Historical Society, which presented it to the Mortlock Library of South Australiana in 1993. The Advertiser reported, 17 December 1936 page 30: 'A fete to celebrate the first anniversary of the opening of the Upper Sturt Soldiers' Memorial Hall, was held at Upper Sturt on Saturday. The financial return was satisfactory. The opening ceremony was performed by Lieutenant-Commander Oliver Symon, who also presented to the hall a fine souvenir panel of war buttons and regimental badges. The afternoon was spent in sports and games for the children, afternoon tea being served. Among those present were Lady Symon, Miss K. Symon and Miss Lewers. Mr C. Wylie, chairman of the hall committee, presided. A dance followed in the evening, when the hall was filled, to capacity.' A researcher has provided additional information about the Symon badge board: 'The Upper Sturt Soldiers Memorial Hall Committee minutes of 24 November 1936 recorded the offer of the significant gift under the heading 'Memorial Tablet': 'The Chairman read a letter from Mr O. Symon offering to present to the Hall a framed collection of buttons & badges struck during the Great War. The Tablet was inspected. 'Proposed A. Petersen, Sec., H. Slater that the panel be accepted and that high appreciation of the valuable gift be recorded. Carried with Acclamation.' The original badge board hung in the Upper Sturt Soldiers Memorial Hall from 1936 until the mid-1980s when vandals broke the glass covering the board and stole a number of badges. The board was then loaned to the Mount Lofty Districts Historical Society for safe-keeping. In 1993 they passed it on to the Mortlock Library of South Australiana where it now resides and is being preserved and conserved as part of the heritage of South Australia. A full-scale photograph of the original badge board, clearly showing the gaps where badges were stolen, was hung back in place in June 2013 by the present Upper Sturt Soldiers Memorial Hall committee, with much pride, to showcase this significant piece of Upper Sturt heritage.

Grieving women during World War, 1914-1918
Lady Galway, carrying the umbrella, wife Sir Henry, Governor of South Australia, with other women, some still wearing mourning, listening to Colonel Rowell speaking at a war memorial occasion during the First World War. It appears that the memorial is the South African War memorial on the corner of King William Street and North Terrace (see PRG 280/1/24/106).

![[Pass issued to Harry Swift while a resident in Berlin during World War 1]](
[Pass issued to Harry Swift while a resident in Berlin during World War 1]
The pass, with English translation, issued to Harry Swift, an English resident living in Berlin in 1914. Passes were issued to 'all subjects of enemy states' by the Commandant of Berlin, von Boehn, General of Cavalry, and sets out the rules to be followed by these residents. Written in German. The pass is dated 23 November 1914.

European War, 1914-19
European War, 1914-19. Hon. Sir Richard Butler M.P. announcing declaration of war, 5 August 1914. In front of Government Offices, north corner of Victoria Square and Wakefield Street. See account in "The Advertiser" 6 August 1914.

World War I Souvenir Album
A souvenir album "Our Bit in the Great War" comprising World War I service records, photographs and newspaper cuttings of some South Australian soldiers and nurses. (After extensive conservation the album is now in two volumes).

Formal group of South Australian soldiers during World War I
A formal group of South Australian soldiers taken during World War I, possibly at Mitcham camp; names unknown.

Relaxation during army service at Palestine during World War I
Close view of a group of soldiers relaxing during their service at Palestine in World War I with two men in the foreground standing by notices, they are possibly running a betting shop as one carries paper that could be money and the second wears binoculars and a large bag around his neck.

Australian servicemen serving overseas during World War I
A group of Australian servicemen photographed whilst serving overseas during World War I.

Mounted soldiers with horse drawn vehicles at an army camp during World War I
Mounted soldiers with horse drawn vehicles at an army camp during World War I.

Mounted soldiers and vehicles parading past spectators during World War I
Mounted soldiers and vehicles parading past spectators during World War I.

A crowded King William Street, Adelaide watching a parade of patriotic displays during World War I
A crowded King William Street, Adelaide watching a parade of patriotic displays during World War I.

World war I identification tag of Ernest Arthur Frost, Third Australian Light Horse
Digital copy of the identification tag belonging to Ernest Arthur Frost, worn whilst on he was on active service with the Third Light Horse during World War I. Stamp embossed text reads, 'E.A.Frost, 2873, 3 L.H., A.I.F., C.E.'; 'Manoora S.Aus' on verso.

'McCullen V.C. etc.'
James Thomas Byford McCudden standing in front of a plane. Hangars 2 and 3 are behind him.

Centenary of the First World War Armistice
Man up a ladder which is being held by Warrant Officer Ross Chavasse, RAAF, adjusts the flags on the National War Memorial, Adelaide, prior to the ceremony marking the centenary of the First World War Armistice

Centenary of the First World War Armistice
Members of the catafalque party at the National War Memorial, Adelaide, prior to the ceremony marking the centenary of the First World War Armistice.

Centenary of the First World War Armistice
Members of the public begin to gather at the National War Memorial, Adelaide, prior to the ceremony marking the centenary of the First World War Armistice.