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Church organ, Kent Town

Church organ, Kent Town

Kent Town Methodist Church, interior view showing the organ.

Brewery, Kent Town

Brewery, Kent Town

Looking northeast from the Kent Town Brewery on the corner of Dequetteville Terrace and Rundle Street.

Royal Hotel, Kent Town

Royal Hotel, Kent Town

Royal Hotel, Kent Town existed from 1879. At the time of the photograph the proprietor was J Gudge, a position he held from 1890-1893.

Royal Hotel, Kent Town

Royal Hotel, Kent Town

[General description] The Royal Hotel, Kent Town is situated on the corner of North Terrace and DeQuetteville Terrace. It is a two storey stone building with a corner entrance, arched windows (ground floor) and a balcony with decorative railings. This photograph was taken when John Williams was the licensee.

Kent Town Brewery

Kent Town Brewery

[General description] Kent Town Brewery is a 'state of the art' complex of stone buildings, built in 1876 by Edwin Thomas Smith. Note the horse trough at the kerb.

Kent Town Brewery

Kent Town Brewery

Kent Town Brewery owned by Sir Edwin Smith amalgamated with the West End Brewery in 1888 to create the South Australian Brewing Company. The brewery was later used as a malting house

Kent Town Brewery

Kent Town Brewery

Kent Town Brewery cnr. Dequetteville Terrace and Rundle Street. Includes signs for beers: West End Export, Southwark Premium lager, and Southwark Bitter Beer.

Kent Town Brewery

Kent Town Brewery

Kent Town Brewery from Capper St., looking North-East.

Kent Town Malt house

Kent Town Malt house

View of Rundle Street East and the Kent Town Malt house at the end of the road. Two double decker elctric trolley buses can be seen parked on one side. Photograph was donated by the estate of Basil Creswell Newland.

Wesleyan Church, Kent Town

Wesleyan Church, Kent Town

View of the Wesleyan Church at Kent Town

Residence, Kent Town

Residence, Kent Town

Etching of Dr. Kent's house by Dr. A. C. Kelly - site of Kent Town Brewery.

Rundle Street, Kent Town

Rundle Street, Kent Town

A view of Rundle Street, Kent Town, looking north east from Kent Town Brewery. Fields and gardens surround neat stone cottages. The nearest of the cottages on the north side of Rundle Street is about 95 yards east of Dequetteville Terrace.

Schoolchildren, Kent Town

Schoolchildren, Kent Town

A group of children from Miss Kay's School for Young Ladies.

Sunday School, Kent Town

Sunday School, Kent Town

Children being taught in a Sunday School class thought to be associated with Kent town Methodist Church.

Nativity tableau at Kent Town

Nativity tableau at Kent Town

KENT TOWN: A Nativity tableau in Kent Town Methodist Church, December 4th 1957.

Solomon home at Kent Town

Solomon home at Kent Town

View of 'Elizabeth Vila', the Solomon family home at Kent Town. Taken about the time of the marriage of Elizabeth Solomon to Rabbi Abraham Tobias Boas in 1873, the engaged couple are standing at the gate. Isaac Solomon (owner of the house and Elizabeth's father) is third from left; the name of the woman to the left of the front door is unknown. The woman seated to the right of the door is Mrs Esther Solomon, Isaac's mother, then aged in her late 90s. (She died July 1875 aged 100 years and six months.).

House on Wakefield St, Kent Town

House on Wakefield St, Kent Town

View of a large house on Wakefield Street, Kent Town. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1631/101

Boys from the Salvation Army Boys' Home in the Kent Town Corps Band

Boys from the Salvation Army Boys' Home in the Kent Town Corps Band

Group portrait of boys from the Salvation Army Boys' Home at Kent Town, in the Kent Town Corps band. They are wearing uniforms and posing with their instruments.

Boys from the Salvation Army Boys' Home, Kent Town swimming pool

Boys from the Salvation Army Boys' Home, Kent Town swimming pool

A group of boys from the Salvation Army Boys' Home at Kent Town, at the Kent Town swimming pool.

Architectural design drawing for a lecture hall, Kent Town for (Church) Trustees

Architectural design drawing for a lecture hall, Kent Town for (Church) Trustees

Architectural design drawing for a lecture hall, Kent Town for (Church) Trustees. Architect: Daniel Garlick. Contractors: Henry Codd, James Anderson, John Wark.

Prince Alfred College, Kent Town

Prince Alfred College, Kent Town

Prince Alfred College at Kent Town. From an architectural drawing.

First House, Kent Town

First House, Kent Town

The first house in Kent Town which was erected in about 1857 in Young Street (later re-named The Parade West). It was occupied for many years by Mr. E. W. Hitchin, 1823-1885, South Australian Auditor General.

Frenchman's Folly, Kent Town

Frenchman's Folly, Kent Town

One of the first houses to be built at Kent Town in about 1858. Known as "Frenchmen's Folly", it was possibly intended to be a Hotel.

Residence, Kent Town

Residence, Kent Town

[General description] A stone house with wide verandahs is partly obscured by shrubs. A ploughed area in the foreground has an orchard in process of establishment. [On back of photograph] 'House at Kent Town / 1872-86 / From an album of photographs made by Sweet'.

Residence, Kent Town

Residence, Kent Town

[General description] Built in 1874 this impressive 'High Victorian' two storey bluestone mansion has a wide return veranda and balconies upstairs. The verandah posts and balcony railings have wrought iron embellishments. Charles Hornabrook was a successful businessman who held the licence for the York Hotel (in Rundle Street) for 21 years. [On back of photograph] 'Residence of C. A. Hornabrook / Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town / 1875-79'.

Wesleyan Church, Kent Town

Wesleyan Church, Kent Town

Wesleyan Church.

Kent Town

Kent Town

61, Rundle St (North side), Powell-grocer and baker - (Kent Town Antiques).

Kent Town Hotel

Kent Town Hotel

Kent Town Hotel. cnr. Rundle St. and College Rd.

Royal Hotel, Kent Town

Royal Hotel, Kent Town

Royal Hotel cnr. of North Tce. and Dequetteville Tce.

"Kalmina", Kent Town

"Kalmina", Kent Town

"Kalmina, " residence at 28 Dequetteville Tce. Northside.