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Buses at Hackney Depot
Buses at Hackney Depot.

Hackney Tram Depot
View of trams at Hackney depot. A researcher has provided the following information: 'This picture would have been taken in 1909 just after the tram system opened with its first 100 trams. Other longer trams were being delivered from 1910, but none are evident in the picture. Most of the open 'toastrack' (B type) trams in the foreground had saloons built into them in 1917.

The staff mess room at the MTT Hackney Depot
Interior view of the staff mess room at the MTT Hackney Depot.

The staff billiard room at the MTT Hackney Depot
Interior view of the staff billiard room at the MTT Hackney Depot.

M.T.T. Band, Hackney
Musicians of the M.T.T. Band outside the Hackney Depot.

Tramway Depot, Hackney
[General description] Men in MTT uniforms relax in the Depot billiard room. Some are reading, others are playing cards and boardgames. Several men are standing near the billiard tables, holding their cues. [On back of photograph] 'Municipal Tramways Trust / Tramways Depot, Hackney Road / Billiard Room / c. 1910'.

Hackney Tram Depot
Hackney Tram Depot, the north side. A researcher has provided the following information: 'The picture was taken in 1909 when all the trams were new and the system had just opened. The trams are in numerical order (1-24) matching the numbered tracks of the depot. Each tram shows a different destination sign. Four of these trams are still extant, numbers 1, 20 (as Ballarat 21), 14 and 15 at the St Kilda Tramway Museum'.

Tramway Depot, Hackney
[General description] The interior of the Hackney tram barn showing tramcars lined up on raised rails, creating a pit for maintenance of the underside of the carriages. [On back of photograph] 'Municipal Tramways Trust car Depot, Hackney Road / c. 1909].

Hackney Tram Depot
Hackney Tram Depot.

Hackney Bus Depot
Hackney Bus Depot: main building.

Hackney Bus Depot
Hackney Bus Depot: main building: frontage.

Hackney Bus Depot
Hackney Bus Depot: main building: side view.

Hackney Bus Depot
Hackney Bus Depot: sheds.

Hackney Bus Depot
Hackney Bus Depot: sheds.

Hackney Bus Depot
Hackney Bus Depot: sheds.

Hackney Bus Depot
Hackney Bus Depot: sheds.

Hackney Bus Depot
Hackney Bus Depot: sheds.

Hackney Bus Depot
Hackney Bus Depot: sheds.

Hackney Bus Depot
Hackney Bus Depot: sheds.

Hackney Bus Depot
Hackney Bus Depot: sheds.

Hackney Bus Depot
Hackney Bus Depot: fuel supply section.

Tramways Depot, Hackney
The Tramways Depot at Hackney.

Series 045: Angas Street and Hackney tram barns
Aerial images of the Metropolitan Tramways Trust (M.T.T.) tram barns at Hackney and Victoria Square, and buildings on Angas Street and Flinders Street adjacent to Victoria Square.

Bridge, Hackney
[General descrption] A small stone bridge on Hackney Road with trees in the background. Part of the Royal Hotel can be seen in the distance [On back of photograph] 'Bridge on Hackney Road (a little south of the Tramways Depot) This is not the Hackney Bridge / for site see B 13582'

MTT staff at the Hackney Depot
The entire workshop staff employed at the MTT's Hackney Depot. The photograph was taken in the traverser pit, used for shifting trams from the car barns (left) to various workshops (right).

Staff of M.T.T. Hackney
Staff of Municipal Tramways Trust outside the Depot at Hackney.

Toast rack tram, Hackney Depot
B class toast rack electric tram outside HackneyDepot Tram Sheds.

Staff of M.T.T. Hackney
Staff of the Municipal Tramways Trust outside Hackney Depot.

Staff of the M.T.T., Hackney
Staff of the Municipal Tramways Trust. outside the Hackney Depot.

Official opening of Adelaide Electric TramwaysHackney
'A' class tram no. 1 ready to depart Hackney Depot for the opening procession of trams from the City to Kensington, 9 March 1909.