Find • Mount Barker • Results 181 to 210 of 645

Mount Barker Springs
View of Mount Barker Springs, man & a woman with horses in the water.

Celebrations at Mt Barker
Procession floats assembled on the Showgrounds.

Mount Barker
Sketch of Mount Barker viewed from a shallow, wooded valley.

Nixon's Mill near Mount Barker
Oil painting by Ingrid Erns of Nixon's Mill near Mount Barker. Signed in lower left corner.

Three stacks of clover on Cecil Howard's property at Mount Barker
MOUNT BARKER: Three stacks of clover on Cecil Howard's property; a 30ft. ladder provides access to the top.

Mount Barker Springs
No. 1802. Mount Barker Springs.

Mount Barker Springs
No. 1800. Mount Barker Springs.

Mount Barker Springs
No. 1801. Mount Barker Springs.

Mount Barker
No. 1336. A view over the township of Mount Barker.

Mount Barker Road
No. 1279. Mount Barker Road.

Mount Barker
No. 1366. Mount Barker.

Near Mount Barker
No. 1371. Near Mount Barker with cows in paddock.

Mount Barker
Road and trees, Mount Barker.

Family photographs : Mount Barker
January. On bridge at Mount Barker. Elgin Methodist Sunday School Teachers picnic.

Views of South Australia : Mount Barker
View of the township of Mount Barker.

Mount Barker Gully
View looking down into Mount Barker Gully.

Mount Barker township
View of the township of Mount Barker from a nearby hill.

Display at the Mount Barker show
View of a display at the Mount Barker show, featuring blankets, fleece, bags of grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, preserves and wine.

Vegetable display at Mount Barker Show
Display of prize-winning vegetables at Mount Barker Show by Messrs Halliday Brothers.

Members of the Mount Barker Show Committee
Members of the Mount Barker Show Committee photographed in front of a grandstand.

Mount Barker main street
Main street of Mount Barker. Photograph is marked, 'Sweet Adelaide 298' [also at B 10613].

Mount Barker
Gawler Street, Mount Barker, South Australia.

Officers at Mount Barker
Group portrait of Australian Army Officers in Mount Barker. Back row, left to right: Lieutenants Hayne, Middleton, Paterson, Ifould, Benden, VX15840 Sidney George Raggett, Hammon, Semorro, Schottelies, Fraser, MacPherson, 69010 (TX2098) Cecil George Brettingham-Moore, Devonshire. Centre row: Lieutenants Hands, Glover, Edwards, NX45438 Penleigh Lambert a'Beckett, Clark, Captain Cowan, Captain Kennedy, Padre Blakeway, Lieutenants Weir, Bormin, Clemett, Gandine, Hamilton. Front row: Captains S213108 Clarence Everard Pellew, SX9454 Henry Finlay Beaney, Lawson, Greene, Major Reed, Lieutenant-Colonel Blackluin, Captain Lymoh, Major Wallosoleck, Captains Gordon, Birleck. Missing: Major Lyneham, Captain Pipe, Lieutenant Demuslon.

![Plan of the Mount Barker Special Survey on the Bremer [cartographic material] /
by C.B. Young](
Plan of the Mount Barker Special Survey on the Bremer [cartographic material] / by C.B. Young
Plan of the Mount Barker Special (Mineral) Survey on section 2001, on the boundary of the Hundreds of Kanmantoo and Monarto, shown as subdivided in 1845 into 20 1,000 acre rectangular strips of land. Some of this area yielded copper from 1846 onwards. The areas selected by the South Australian Company have been coloured in green and red; those selected by the Paringa Mining Company have been left uncoloured. (Information under the green coloured areas is mostly illegible. Names of copper mines etc. on the uncoloured areas can be read.) The layout of the townships of Callington (1856), St. Ives (1856), Kanmantoo (1849) and Tavistock (1856) are shown but not named. Ink and watercolour on paper, ink notation, on canvas backing. Scale 1 inch to 20 chains. Signed at bottom right by C.B. Young, surveyor.

Mount Barker church, South Australia
"Mount barker. Local church spire and magnificent cumulus clouds combine to enhance this peaceful scene".

![Mount Barker township in 1851 [cartographic material] /
signed Fredk. C. Smith](
Mount Barker township in 1851 [cartographic material] / signed Fredk. C. Smith
Town plan of Mount Barker giving street names, lot numbers, some building shown with owners named. Natural features named. Red lines denote where properties fenced. Ink on paper.

![Township of Mount Barker [cartographic material]](
Township of Mount Barker [cartographic material]
Town plan of Mount Barker showing land to be sold at auction by Townsend, Botting and Kay at the Oakfield Hotel on 15 March 1866. Gives street names and lot numbers. Measurements are given for the shaded lots for sale. Lithograph with ink annotations.

![Survey map of Mount Barker, 1858 [cartographic material] /surveyed and drawn by Sampson Sanders](
Survey map of Mount Barker, 1858 [cartographic material] /surveyed and drawn by Sampson Sanders
Map of Mount Barker on sections 4472, 4473 and 4477 with position of river courses shown, streets named and blocks 101-105 with allotments marked out. Surveyed and drawn by Sampson Sanders, surveyor, North Road, Nairne, 8 April 1858. Streets and river in watercolour highlights. Scale: 3 chains to the inch.

Series 086a: Aerial images of Mount Osmond and Glen Osmond
Aerial photographs of the Mount Osmond Golf Club, and houses at Glen Osmond. The photographer's house at 6 Brook Avenue can be seen clearly in the images of Glen Osmond.

J.R. Barker
Photograph of Mrs J.R. Barker and her baby daughter taken in the studio in Mount Gambier in 1944. The baby is about six months old and is wearing a short smocked dress. Mrs Barker has rolled and pinned her dark hair and is wearing a dark dress.