Find • Hindley Street • Results 151 to 180 of 957

Patersons, cnr Hindley Street and Leigh Street

Patersons, cnr Hindley Street and Leigh Street

Patersons, Hindley Street, south side, 10 March 1978. Leigh Street frontage is 47.5 yards and Hindley Street frontage is 28 2/3 yards.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south side, 21 December 1962. Left side of the building abuts Peel Street. Hindley Street frontage is 15.5 yards and Peel Street frontage is 38 yards. This premises named Midway Building once contained HG Milton's Singer Shop and Black's Shoes next door at number 39. The building has a hoarding around it as work is in progress.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, north side looking west across King William Street intersection. 11 September 1929. Miller Anderson Department Store dominates the scene in its position on the northern side of Hindley Street. Lawrence and Levy Tobacconist Shop stands on the north west corner of the intersection. Carts, cars and pedestrians can also be seen.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street from King William Street, looking west. An omnibus is travelling west along Hindley Street. A traffic controller is standing in the middle of the intersection

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

[General description] Looking east along Hindley street showing shops such as Morris Cafe, Stones Food Store, Freeman Chemists, the Theatre Royal and Miller Anderson's Deartment Store. Cars are parked at the kerb [On back of photograph] 'Acre 48 / Hindley Street, north side / 9th May 1955 / The nearest end of Miller Anderson's verandah is 50 yards west of the west side of Gresham Street / From the nearer end of Miller Anderson's verandah to the notice over the footpath reading 'Freeman Drug Stores-Chemists' is 27 yards'

Workmen with ladders in Hindley Street

Workmen with ladders in Hindley Street

Workmen with ladders in Hindley Street, North side. Probably 18 August 1977 as the newspaper billboards relate to newspapers of the day. On the left is the News, it says "Elvis mourned - amazing scenes", on the right the Advertiser billboard says "Dunstan calls snap poll". Left side of building is 19.8 metres east of Bank Street, frontage is 3 metres. The Hair Factory is listed at No.34 Hindley Street.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, North Side. 11 January 1980. Left side of building abuts Bank Street, frontage is 33-2/3 yards. Hindley Street frontage is 11-2/3 yards.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, North Side. 24 January, 1980. Left side of building is 16-1/3 yards east of Bank Street. Hindley Street frontage is 8-1/3 yards.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, north side, 31 July 1953. Right side of Flint's building abuts Bank Street, frontage on Hindley Street is 14 yards.For a view of Flint's premises in 1892 see B 6374

Hindley Street, Adelaide

Hindley Street, Adelaide

[General description] The three storey premises of Brown's Limited, Upholsterers and Furnishers, viewed from the opposite side of Hindley Street. The Victorian facade of this building is about to be transformed into the latest Art Deco style. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 50 / Hindley Street, north side / 28 June 1937 / For alterations made in 1938 to three storey building see B 8207 / Site of three storey building in centre and adjoining the two storey building on its right / Left side abuts Blyth Street / Frontage of building is 26 yards'.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, north side, 13 February 1973, Hindley Street frontage is 26 1/3 yards and Blyth Street frontage is 27 2/3 yards.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, north side, 5 April 1974, Blyth Street frontage is 25 2/3 yards and Hindley Street frontage is 7 2/9 yards.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Victoria Hotel, Hindley Street. This photograph taken in the early 1870's shows the south side of Hindley Street near the corner of Victoria Street. The Victoria Hotel stands on the corner. It was later called Clubhouse and used privately as the South Australian Clubhouse. A horse and cart full of grass stands outside the Victoria Hotel.

Premises of E. Brown, Hairdresser, 168 Hindley Street, Adelaide

Premises of E. Brown, Hairdresser, 168 Hindley Street, Adelaide

[General description] This row of shops in poor condition are soon to be demolished. Amongst these are the premises of Ern Brown's Hairdresser and Tobacconist, 168 Hindley Street. Next door to Brown's is the Castle Inn, of which a small portion can be seen on the right. Advertising for Clarion Cigarettes, Walkerville Ales, Gramp's Orlando Wines and West End Bitter Beer can be seen. A hoarding bears further advertisements. See B 7179 for a view of the hotel taken in 1937. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 55 / Hindley St., north side / July 18, 1927. / Near side of Brown's is 33 yards west of Morphett St. / Near side of hoarding is 39.5 yds. west of Morphett St. / The three shops in the centre and the hoarding were demolished in 1930'Premises north side, 18 July 1927. Near side of Browns is 23 yards west of Morphett Street and near side of hoarding is 39.5 yards west of Morphett Street.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, north side, 28 February 1964, Hindley Street frontage is 24 yards and Gray Street frontage is 35 yards. This attractive two storey painted stone building has a small balcony on the first floor over the central doorway. A shop occupies the lower left hand side of the property. Quoins surround the door and windows

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, north side, 18 April 1969, Hindley Street frontage is 28 2/3 yards and Gray Street frontage is 34 2/3 yards.

Marcellina's pizza bar, Hindley Street

Marcellina's pizza bar, Hindley Street

Marcellina's Pizza Bar and Bebes Room on Hindley Street, South side, 10 August 1973, Hindley Street frontage is 16 2/3 yards and Gray Street frontage is 30 1/3 yards.

Hindley Street, Adelaide

Hindley Street, Adelaide

[General description] Outer walls of the West End Brewery complex in Hindley Street. On the right a brick wall is joined to an older stone one. Arched gateways for vehicle access can be seen further along. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 66, 67 and 68 / Hindley Street, south side / April 7th 1939 / West End Brewery / Building in centre completed in 1938 / Compare with B 6962 and B 7383 / The far end of the brick walling (4/5ths of an inch from left side of photo) commences to a point 13 yards west of Clarendon Street and continues westward for 86.5 yards / The point at which the near end of the brick walling meets the stone walling is the boundary between Acres 66 and 67'.

Hindley Street, Adelaide

Hindley Street, Adelaide

[General description] This wall is part of the West End Brewery which was established by William Clark in Hindley Street in 1859. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 67 and 66 / Hindley Street, south side, May 16, 1926. The brick wall in centre was erected in 1925. Compare with B 2708 and B 2709. Near end of wall is 8 yards west of George Street. For alterations made in 1936 see B 6962.'

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south side, West End Brewery, 11 December 1979, Hindley Street frontage is 13 yards and Clarendon Street frontage is 23 1/3 yards.

Adelaide, South Australia from the west end of Hindley Street

Adelaide, South Australia from the west end of Hindley Street

Photograph of an original artwork of a view of Adelaide from the west end of Hindley Street. This photograph was copied from B 2268, original photograph is in the Reserve Collection. This photograph was reproduced in the Chronicle on 2nd January 1936. Caption reads: "Adelaide in 1849. From an old engraving in the possession of Miss E.M. Austin, North Adelaide." The chief buildings shown are:1. the Parsonage (Dean Farrell) 2. Collegiate School. 3. Government House. 4. Council Chambers. 5.The Iron Foundry. 6.Government House flagstaff. 7. Bank of South Australia. 8. General Post Office (temporary). 9. Iron Store (late J.B. Graham's). 10. Exchange Buildings.11. Exchange. 12. Coppin's Royal Exchange Hotel. 13.Waterhouse's Grocers Shop. 14. Cook's Steam Mill. 15. Mount Barker Road. 16.A.L. Elder and Co's Store. 17. Scotch Kirk. 18. Morphett Street. 19. Trinity Church.

West End Medical Centre, 167 Hindley Street

West End Medical Centre, 167 Hindley Street

West End Medical Centre (Dr D. Kutlaca), 167 Hindley Street, south side, 28 November 1979. East side of building is 9 yards west of Morphett Street. Hindley Street frontage is 4 2/3 yards.

Hindley Street, South Side

Hindley Street, South Side

Hindley Street, south side, 16 June 1972, right side of the building is 139 yards east of Morphett Street and Hindley Street frontage is 3 yards.

Athen's Restaurant, Hindley Street

Athen's Restaurant, Hindley Street

Athen's Restaurant, Hindley Street, South Side, 16 June 1972. Right side of the building is 139 yards east of Morphett Street and Hindley Street frontage is 3 yards.

Powell's Hotel Kalgoorlie, Hindley Street

Powell's Hotel Kalgoorlie, Hindley Street

Powell's Hotel Kalgoorlie, Hindley Street, south side, August 29th 1941, Hotel frontage is 17 yards. The car parked in front is a 1934 Terraplane Coupe with registration SA 178-743. This hotel existed since 1845 and has had various names - Star, Galatea, Kalgoorlie Hotel, Hotel Mediterranean, Old Mariner Hotel, Hotel Performance, The City Hotel, Rio International.

Hindley Street, Adelaide

Hindley Street, Adelaide

[General description] Jarman's Shoe Store, at 103 Hindley Street. On 31 July 1908 this building was purchased by Edwin Charles Jarman, a bootmaker. Edwin, and later his wife Ethel ran a shoe shop at these premises until Ethel's death in 1958. (Information from City of Adelaide Heritage Survey, 2008) [On back of photograph] 'Acre 73 / Hindley Street, south side / October 27th 1959 / Right side of Jarman's shoe store is 21 yards east of Rosina Street and frontage is 6 yards'

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south side, 22nd March 1968, Hindley Street frontage is 21 2/3 yards and Rosina Street frontage is 35 1/3 yards.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south side, 22nd March 1968, Hindley Street frontage is 21 2/3 yards and Rosina Street frontage is 35 1/3 yards.

Hindley Street, Adelaide

Hindley Street, Adelaide

[General description] Buildings in Hindley Street, decorated with bunting for the Queen's visit on March 18th. Mac's Products and W.A. Flick, pest control specialists are businesses seen here [On back of photograph] 'Acre 74 / Hindley Street, south side / March 15th 1954 / Right side of centre building is 31.5 yards east of Rosina Street / Frontage is 5.5 yards / Compare with extreme right of B 9806 taken in 1940'

Saint's Furniture store, Hindley Street

Saint's Furniture store, Hindley Street

Saint's Furniture store, Hindley Street, south side, 29 March 1979. Hindley Street frontage is 28 yards and Leigh Street frontage is 36 yards.